BBFC: Sergio OTK Request

BBFC: Sergio OTK Request

Dimitri calls in Sergio and gets him OTK straight away. He then sets about spanking the lad on the jeans, tight jeans I should say.


The jeans fitting so well mean that every time the hand lands, heavily on them, Sergio gets the full benefit.


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Trousers down and Sergio is wearing some light coloured boxers that are just as tight fitting as his jeans.


The lad has a super little butt and that means there is always a reason to spank him.





The bare ass spanking is complimented with Dimitris trade mark tug of the ear to make sure the lad is caught of guard and knows there’s more to come. A super request for the ever naughty Sergio.







One Response to BBFC: Sergio OTK Request

  1. WOW! Young Sergio is another of those boys who just seem to get more spankable every time we see them spanked!

    What better start could I have to my morning than watching this uberspankable little rascal laid over the knee for a good, straightforward old-fashioned spanking across his supremely cheeky little bottom?! What a treat to begin the day! I love the shock on the boy’s face at the suddenness with which Dimitri lays him over his knee, even though he is by no means a stranger to this most humiliating of positions for discipline! You can think you’re the big manly teenager, all grown up – and then you find yourself laid across the knee and it hits home – you’re still a boy and a boy who’s still young enough to get his bottom smacked! OUCH!

    All boys look great bent over in blue jeans, especially if they’re well worn and a bit faded, but Sergio in this pair is something else – the French-style striped top and the jeans are an ensemble straight from the Spankers’ Heaven clothing emporium and as for the briefs…! Oh, the BRIEFS! Sergio does have the knack of selecting what is most spankable from his pants drawer to don as spankingwear – consciously or otherwise! In this case, apart from the all-important factor of his boxer-briefs being coloured pants, it is also the length and contrasting waistband that make these underpants the perfect length for punishment! As ever, my prayer to the gods of Spankers’ Heaven, who carved this little scamp’s bum especially for spanking, is that if Sergio has any white boner-killers in his pants-drawer, he will leave them there, well and truly at the bottom where they belong – if they belong at all, that is. I have been privileged to see into the pants-drawer of all of my naughty boys and was relieved to find only one such offending pair – I smacked the young man in question very hard indeed for it and made him solemnly promise (through his tears) never to wear them in my presence!

    Talking of hard smacking, that is exactly what Sergio gets here, evident from the grimacaing and soundless gasps of pain as his ear is pulled and his pert bottom thoroughly spanked! It is interesting that Dimitri’s clearly hard hand doesn’t move much – it is the intensity of the smacking that causes Sergio’s bottom to turn that deep shade of red, as we see clearly when his underpants are taken down after well in excess of a hundred spanks! Small wonder that, when his punishment is finally, blessedly (for him anyway) over, he hurries, limping away without even pulling his knix up! Let’s hope it isn’t too long before we see him once again heading back in the opposite direction to get what he deserves – and what a little scamp with a bottom like that should be getting every day!