BBFC: Ricky Bench Request
Ricky comes in naked and adopts the position on the bench. The slim paddle is the request to be applied to his ass.
Ricky bending over the bench is always a perfect position for him, ass presented well and junk waving free. Looking at his torso as he is paddled you can see his muscles twitching and rippling as his butt warms up.
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Some super angles on this spanking all showing him off to the best. A simple request for Ricky but one that shows him off perfectly.
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Haha! Poor old Ricky does seem to have been getting the heavy end of things lately! This is some thrashing! And, by the look of it, laid on across an already well-smacked bottom!
Having to bend over stark naked for a hiding is incredibly humiliating and that paddle is clearly finding its mark (as well as making a few LOL!) – but I’m inclined to think that it’s just retribution for what we’ve seen Ricky subjecting poor little Leon to recently. The younger boy has suffered quite severely at this bigger lad’s hands and it’s probably high time Ricky-boy got a taste of his own medicine!