BBFC: Rafal Paddled OTK

BBFC: Rafal Paddled OTK

A follow up to yesterdays clip and a requested scenario. The lad is pulled into the room by the ear, those convenient brat handles that lads have.

Rafal is OTK in a jiffy and getting the ping pong bat applied to his rear end. He looks really put out as Dimitri lays the paddle on hard and regular.


The slightly raised position of his butt makes a perfect target to the spanking.


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The denim shorts are in the way and have to go, once down this lads pert little butt is seen in great black boxers, they really add something to his spanking appeal.





The paddling Dimitri gives looks great and the additional tug of the ear to keep Rafal focused is just what he needs. A bare as spanking follows and the look on Rafal’s face is great, just how a lad should look. A super paddling for this cute little guy .






2 Responses to BBFC: Rafal Paddled OTK

  1. I would love to see series, in which Dimitri getting the paddle, strap and cane.

  2. Hoho! Young Rafal looks like a lad who needs his bottom smacked – and smacked hard! So it is good to see Dimitri laying the young scamp over his knee and going to work on the boy’s very well-rounded bum with all his customary vigour and thoroughness!

    A great choice of spankingwear is revealed, too, when Rafal’s shorts come down! A boy always looks great bending over for a smacked bottom in black underpants! And this pair have clearly had good wear and are a really great length to be worn as punishment underpants! From Rafal’s facial contortions as the hard, unyielding surface of the ping-pong bat makes rapid and loud contact with his backside, they are affording nothing whatever in the way of protection!

    The spankings Dimitri lays on are not the longest we’ve seen on BBFC but they are very intense and certainly do everything a spanking is supposed to for a naughty boy! Rafal’s pain and embarrassment as he almost runs away after Dimitri has finished smacking him are palpable!