BBFC: Nick Paddled

BBFC: Nick Paddled

Lads like Nick need a regular spanking to keep them focused, with half a chance he would off causing mischief. So finding himself in shorts OTK and getting a paddling is just what’s needed.


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A warm-up on the shorts is followed by a good set on his boxers, which I am sure by fit and colour meet approval especially when the paddle lands on them.

A good bare ass paddling finishes off this session for Nick, hoping it will keep him out of trouble for a while, it’s possible but unlikely.



2 Responses to BBFC: Nick Paddled

  1. I have to say what a delightfully spanky, spanky treat it has been having young Nick on the scene at BBFC! I don’t think I shall ever tire of seeing Tony laying this uber-spankable young scamp over his knee and smacking his deliciously pert, cheeky bottom! And this time with a very functional-looking spanking paddle, a painful instrument of discipline in the right hands!

    Nick is unusual among Tony’s boys in that he has been laid over the knee for every spanking he has had so far (although, of course, he had to bend over the chair bare-bottomed the last time he was punished!). Not that I am complaining – it is my favourite posture in which to place a boy for a smacked bottom! As Tom of ‘Spanking Straight Boys’ observed some time ago, it is the best position for a spanking, lending a naughty lad an especial humiliation that other positions just don’t quite achieve! And so positioned, our naughty boy looks very smackable indeed, ready for the discipline that is being laid on! However, having seen the lad bending over the chair, trousers and pants down, it does make me think again how it would just be the cat’s ass to see him being dealt with as a naughty schoolboy in grey shirt, striped tie and tight black terylene school trousers (with dark-coloured briefs underneath), bent over a desk – and I mean bent low and right over it – and receiving the sting of a supple rattan cane across his perky buttocks trousers, briefs and bare bottom! Perhaps that would provide the challenge Tony mentioned providing him with last time – school trousers and a pair of underpants provide very scant protection from the attentions of a swishing, stinging cane! And that’s painful experience talking by one who has had many smarting red weals across his bum in his younger days – sometimes after the headmaster had finished with me, my bottom looked like a tiger-skin!

    As well as the treat of seeing Nick laid across the knee for a fourth time, it was just the kipper’s knickers to see him once again getting smacked in briefs – those very spankable briefs that he wore for his last smacking! Yes, from both the point-of-view of their perfect fit and colour – my third favourite colour for spankingwear after royal-blue and navy – they most certainly do meet with my approval! Best type of underpants to wear for a spanking! And I would love to see them combined with a pair of short shorts over Tony’s knee! Possibly with a hard slipper laid across the boy’s bottom! Another point is that, from the way Nick’s T-shirt is moved out of the way of his arse, it looks as though he might have quite a whippable back! I’d love to see the rest of it – what I have seen suggests that I could have a lot of fun with my tough leather cat-o’-six-tails, each stroke of which can make a miscreant youth feel as though he’s getting six of the best!

    Once again, I marvel at two things: the way in which Nick’s smooth, hairless bottom remains looking as though it’s hardly been touched, even with the length and thoroughness of the thrashing he’s received; the other is how he manages to get through a spanking like that without getting hard! In his place, I know my cock would have been standing on end like the Eiffel Tower, hard and proud!

    As Nick’s punishment comes to an end and he is allowed to straighten up off Tony’s knee, he is quick to pull up his pants and shorts in one go, as if to give himself the chance of a quick getaway from the scene of his ordeal! But he doesn’t escape one last SPANK! with the bottom-smacking paddle to send him scampering on his way!

    The commentary ends with the hope that Nick will learn his lesson from the latest tanning across his backside! I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking what a loss he and his very smackable bottom would be to the spanking world if he did!

  2. Most knaves care little for lectures before lickings, except how long those last, desperately-dejectedly drawn between dreading the darn-doleful spanking it spells and wishing to get the inevitable intimate imp-intimation over with, so the sooner it starts…, caring far less for the impact on their immortal souls when sermoned about their sins then the immediate impact on their impish abject-ass-arses: even if hell exists and is actually worse then stripping and squirming as spankable squirts, it’s an eternity and hopefully redeeming deathbed confession away.
    Pious pup Nick however truly believes intensely, all-overpowering in heaven, hell and the Holy Church’s teaching directing sinner souls to either since stern sermons from his penitence-obsessed priestly guardian, only sort of confuses the two: to his thoroughly-tail-tender-tannings-trained teen-sinner-mind, hedonistic imitation of heaven on earth is the tricky trap set by hell, having his helpless heinie hided hell-hot however his holy-hailed hottest hope for heaven. 
    So since clerical uncle can’t hear his heartfelt CP-condemning confessions daily anymore, Nick can’t wait while boarding at school to go to the strict parish priest in Tony’s town to confess his petty sins (feeble flaws, few faults) and promise his helpful host God will surely reward his paternalistic part in paddle-pounding and pantsing the penitential puerile puppy’s perfectly-perilously-presented penitent-posterior pristine-pink to profound-pain-purple.
    Nick’s sincere gratitude for the pains taken to painstakingly pain-purple-paint his petty private-parts-privacy-progressively-privated penitent person is duly doubled when Tony cheerfully announces he got the knave’s academic and athletic mentors at boarding school to write weekly reports on his lack of progress and anything warranting CP, which will henceforth complement the sacred Saturday penitence by bare-balls-beatings with the ruler viz. riding-crop, constituting a holy trinity of teen-twink-tail-thoroughly-tender-tanning thrashings to their devout dire-dolefull-defrocked-derriere-discipline-devoted taste in thoughtful, thorny throbbing-tail-teen-training to true tears.