BBFC: Lukasz Caught

BBFC: Lukasz Caught

Oh dear Lukasz has decided to jerk off instead of anything else, lads get these urges and stop thinking.

But his absence is noticed by Teodor who comes into the room and catches him at it.


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Not happy at the timing he grabs Lukasz and bends him over the end of the bed for what is clearly needed spanking.

Fortunately, or not, he is still wearing his boxers and these come in handy as a grab handle to stop him wiggling around. His choice of colour is also good and the red of the boxers is soon going to be colour of his ass, clearly what he needs.


Taking them off he is still clearly excited, but not quite enough to be in the zone, next time he might be just over the edge though. Bending over the bed like that is a great position for any lad to be spanked. A great clip with Lukasz



4 Responses to BBFC: Lukasz Caught

  1. The red peering through the modern underwear is always so sexy.

  2. Avatar speedoric
    speedoric says:

    Great photos, great lad, but talking a Slavic language. So why the “Britishj” title

  3. As respectless rotten rascal, raised in luxurious leisure, a lewd lout like Lukasz learns (lasting?) life lessons in the House in commoner virtues like modesty, clenziness and tidiness. At home in the vast villa, he neither any of his affluent kin ever cared for any chores, nor for the humble hellhole hamlet humblehound squirts staff, paid pittance for picking up after them and doing everything else, standard-scolded and kicked if they were lucky, brutally beaten and/or bared at lib whenever any master was actually angry or just felt like it, as Lukasz often put his ‘private’ slavishly-servile Slavic servant boy OTK when bored, and kept firing those unless or after those managed to properly privately please the pittiless puerile prick as barely-bonus-paid fucktoy, serving squirt Sir on hand and foot uniformed by day, and naked on their knees manually, orally and anally by night.
    While even in cadet-academy, cash-coveting commoner comrades competed to do his chores to consolidate his consistent costly customary generosity, he’s cut-off cash and clueless here in the House. While he used to hard-handle his humble helpers at home, here as humblehound he has his haphazard heinie heightened and hits-heeps-heated, hardening-he-hood-heeded humiliatingly as hurtfully helping hands hit his humble hurdies hunderdfold now his betters bountifully better his bluntly-beyond-bad brat-behaviour by and by, bending-over breechless boner-beheld, OTK and over anything anywhere, mercifully meeting mostly ‘mere’ manual meekly-mounted-male-mounds-martyring master-mates-metout, more mercilessly and masterly intensely intimated by the immensely-immersing impact of implements instilling inexistent inhibitions of inapproprieties.
    Finally sent to bed after an endless day of dolefully-disciplined duties and licks-loads-learned lessons, awefully-ass-arse-aching after an ‘age’ of always-and-anywhere-atrociouslyly-abundant absolutely-abjectly-available-arse-agony, actually awakening abject attrition of abominably-asinine acts and -absences, the adolescent absent-mindedly assumed all allow after arse-agony-awoken big-bad-boy-boner-bounty the bare-balls-beaten-brat to bring his bony boyhood to blossom big-time, the best bis-act for black-blue-and-blistering bottom-beasting being the fine flourish of a ‘finger-flogged’ phallus, a fucking-flagellated fellow’s friendly family-jewel for floggee-frustration-fighting ‘phoenix-fun’ for frightfull fanny-flailing-frenzy.
    After all, in the villa ‘spanking the monkey’ privately and by flunky usually accompanied frustration-venting by viciously-violently flogging flunkies, even those wretches were allowed to masturbate whenever that wasn’t incompatible with their tireless toil, he even encouraged it in his presence, proof of corporal virility of his violence-victims contributing to the tormentor’s intoxicating sense of about-absolute (over)power(ing).
    Consequentially, the crimson-castigated cur was confidence-crushed by the curious cruelty of completely condemning cumming-cock-consolation as ‘cockiest corporal crime’ contracting copious corporal correction, covering the caught cur’s clothless cones crisscross in crimson cuts considerably crueller then the comprehended completely-compliant-conduct-compelling he could kind of cope-with, this causes him to cry kid-like, converted from constantly-cocky to completely-confidence-crushed.
    How deep down to slavery the mighty, mindless mean master-mutt has fallen, from fucking-fearsome flunky-fanny-flailer&-fucker to flogging-fearfull, phallic-flourish-feast-forsaken, fulltime-fanny-flailings-fatalistic flunky-fated fellow, ever-eery-exposure-elders-enjoyed, envious of the rustic rascals whose rears he raw-reddened and rod-rode in both senses, at least they experienced some appreciation as desirable sex-objects, feeling here he may only obey and offer the orbs for ongoing ordeals objectifying him as undesired as a eunuch or robot, but(t) less reliable.