BBFC: Luis
Starting off the new month with something different. A new cooperation that will let BBFC bring you some new lads and a new look as we all adjust to the new normal in our lives.
Luis is a strapping lad and this is his first spanking.
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One thing BBFC did insist on was coloured underwear, for the good Doctor, and how fortunate Luis chose blue.
Luis is challenged through the clip with not only a good OTK to start off but made to kneel down and present his rear doggy fashion.
A great clip to start off the new month .
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HAHA! What a cheeky young rascal! Just one look at Luis right at the start and you can see that he is full of attitude and that he really needs a thoroughly smacked bottom to spank it out of him!
It’s good that he is thrown in at the deep end and laid over the knee for his very first spanking – he might as well get used to that particular humiliation from the beginning! I am highly honoured that BBFC insisted on him wearing coloured underpants rather than white boner-killers for my particular benefit, and as they point out, his choice of a good short pair of blue boxer-briefs is most fortuitous! I find it a real turn-on that a boy has had to think specifically about what colour underpants to wear for a spanking! I look forward to seeing what other gems he produces from his pants-drawer as we become more closely acquainted with the contents of it! The warm weather, of course, also ensures that boys being disciplined at this time of the year are likely to be wearing shorts, something else that I think should absolutely be insisted upon for all boys in the summer months (especially when they are going to be spanked!).
I am fascinated by the combination of legs almost as hairy as a centaur’s and a completely hairless bottom, smooth as a delicious ripe peach! I don’t know if Luis has had those pert and cheeky hindquarters shaved but if he has the results are beautifully spankable! He definitely needs to keep his bum permanently that naked for BBFC’s purposes!
It’s clear that this hasn’t been the easiest of experiences for Luis – as well as being smacked hard, he has ended up stark naked and in the most undignified of positions for corporal punishment! But he is a fantastic new addition to Tony’s little ‘family’. I hope he’ll be back!