BBFC: Alejandro Caught

BBFC: Alejandro Caught

Alejandro can be lazy at times, like all lads, he makes some bad choices and wonders why he ends up getting spanked. So when he is caught playing with himself, it should come as no surprise at all that he gets his ass tanned.



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Of course having a butt that cries out for a spanking also makes this inevitable for Alejandro. But the horny lad is sticking out as he is spanked and that means it has to be pulled from time to time, making sure he gets the message that he should get his priorities right in the first place.


However, being a brat as soon as the session ends he heads off and starts to play with himself again. Incorrigible to say the least



One Response to BBFC: Alejandro Caught

  1. Serving two masters is a bitch, being bitched by both a bare-balls-beatable brat boy’s even worse nightmare, as angelic Alejandro’s as abject as adorable, all-attire-abandoned, almost-always-aching arse amply experiences, eerily exposed to ‘examplary endurance’ ever again. As all-AAs-student, his Andalusian, azote-agonizing-accustomed aristocratic ancestors assigned him to combine two majors abroad, and arranged for each another Aristocratic-alumni-assessed ‘azote-equivalent’ frat to assure appropriate, anal-area-agonizing tailor-made two-tails-tormenting tutoring to their thorny tush-thrasher-tastes.
    As if catching up online ‘CoVid style’ with courses he can’t attend as they coincide with other offline aula lectures and the double load of papers weren’t hard enough, he must also report daily at either frathouse for twice two hours of though tutoring by his respective big brothers and -as those coordinate- course specialist A-seniors, all authorized to spank him as they see fit, provided it’s on the bare, as the frat chapters and his ancestral patriarch worried otherwise commoners might hesitate to come-down harshly-enough without hesitation on an academically actually-superior aristocrat.
    So they agreed, in order to save time, he’ll come commando, drop trou as soon as received by a big brother for a routine OTK lecture, and leave his shorts on ankles at one frat, on a coathanger at the other, until dismissed from that frathouse, all the time hardened-he-hood-heeded and happlessly hazardously-hot-heinie-hit by all fratboys, who generally make sure to know his spankable sessions schedule, a savored show of stripped stud submissively shuffling scarlet-sterned steadily-smackable, themselves rarely bending over for the paddle (except pledges) and even then merely dressed and/or privately in the spanking Senior’s room as their ‘softy’ ancestors only sign limitative CP-permission slips.
    Before both sessions, he carefully showers squeaky-clean after soundly spanking the monkey to spill surplus seed, suitably scared-stiff to suffer savage supplementary spanking if seminally-soiling a spanking Senior. Sadly, sometimes study-group stuff slows-down the studious squirt’s self-seed-squeezing seriously, so-much a steaming strict Sir shows-up to scold his shameless sloth and submit him still-starkers to a ‘spanking shower’, substituting his session of subjects-tutoring with simply-spankophile sessions of slaps and swats, starting stat by-hand as-they are for twenty minutes, then makes him fetch the paddle for pittiless-plenty of profoundly-pain-purple-pounding a hundred longer. The other frat big brother will also be informed of his ‘impish insolence’ and invited to impose a similar sanction-spanking-solely-session ‘to teach the thrall time-telling through the time-honored teen-taming-technique of thorny trouserless-teen-tail-tender-tanning tush-torments-torrent’.
    With a bit of bad luck, someone will blame him for whatever goes wrong in that study group, backed-up by both big brothers, so under university honor code the academic tutor for that subject can lay on the cane as course-cur-criss-cross-crimson-cuts-covering comprehensive-CP-conclusion, which automatically carries a pants-down paddling passed all Seniors on all four in either frat. If it all takes too long, he may well get a grade below A, which guarantees abundant azote-arse-agony at-home from Andalusian ancestors and associated aristocrats.