Coburn has assigned Alex and Diego to do some bird watching. Instead, the two boys wander off a bit and then decide to smoke. Coburn however spots them through a pair of binoculars and soon the two boys are being hauled back inside for smoking of a different sort… with the strap.
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Lovely video – I have to confess I have a bit of a thing for Scouts, especially the naughty ones!
I think that, if I could have made a refinement to this video, it would have been to include the usual sequence of smacking the boys on their underpants, as BLS usually do. Especially as they were both wearing black boxer-briefs, one of my favourite colours for punishment underpants – and it did look as if young Alex had shorter boxers on this time, which is something I’ve previously said I’d love to see! Please take this on board, BLS – it is a part of spanking videos that many of us love and we miss it when it isn’t there.
I don’t want to end on a negative note here, though, because I just adore seeing these two drop-dead gorgeous and super-spankable young scamps being disciplined!!
Glad you enjoyed it! They’re both great young men to work with both in front of and behind the cameras.
(As for the underwear – there is indeed a sequence over it in the full video, though not here in the preview.)
Ah, right, thanks, Hector. I must admit, I had only seen the preview when I wrote the comment and it looked as though the lads were going straight from getting spanked on their uniform shorts to getting the strap across their bare bottoms – my apologies for that. I must get the full film. Might I be very presumptuous and just suggest that an underpants sequence, even if it’s just a short one, is included in the preview on another occasion – it’s just that for me, it’s the best and most important bit of any spanking clip and will determine whether or not I buy the video. Many thanks. Cliff van Spanking.
Silently sick of steadily seeking to satisfy and slavishly serve their super-strict sires, school staff and supervision-seconded Seniors, scared-stiff of savagely-severe stripped-spanking-sanctions and still so-often suffering super-sore-sensitized ‘seats of learning’, the studly super-students secretly see in this Summer’s special series of selective scouting-camps, solely supervised by a single, softy substitute scoutmaster, a singularly-suitable situation to sneakily savour some small sins, such as smoking smuggled softly-stepdad-spanked-schoolmate-supplied cigarettes. Smartly, seeking to stay somewhere out of sight, they systematically volunteered for all sort of chores, till services-superbly-satisfied Sir simply saw-fit to sanction their steady services-squad-status, sparing the squad senseless selections.
So they succeeded being sent by sullen Sir (‘self a Sea Scouts-veteran) to solemnly salute the Stars and Stripes at the strange, super-secluded strand-memorial-site, commemorating endless Coast Guard observation and rare rescues from a former small ship station. To seduce their lazy Sir to stay with their peers stationed in camp and just observe from there, they even supplied Scoutmaster with old Coast Guard binoculars, perfectly fitting the commemorative occasion. Sir soon put those down as planned, but(t) an idiot asking how these work exactly inspired Sir to demonstrate and make them take ten-minute turns on eye-watch, so when the scoundrel-squad started smoking, still someone spotted smoke, and said so to Sir, who started spying systematically, scared of serious fire, so suddenly spots the supposedly-sage shamelessly stand smoking smuggled cigarettes!
Sadly for the surprisingly-smoking-sighted squirts, their smart scheme still subsequently saw them scolded by suddenly-softy-stuff-stopping seething Sir, sentencing the sole suitable state for smoker-squirts is stages-stripped and ‘sinner-stern-smoking’ super-size-strap-swatted soundly-severely. Sadder-still spelling superior sufferance for the soon scared-stiff-seed-stick-seeping squirming spankees, a scout-mate shyly suggesting Sir’s scarlet-stipes-strapping still seemed somewhat softer then senior scoutmaster’s, Sir swung the strap sevenfold-severer, still signalling their shocking smoker-sins to senior Sir, who steadily seeks stuff to scold, strip and spank such studly, sightly-spankable student-scouts for, smoking surely standing-out as a superb spanking-case.
So instead of this single softy-spanking-session, something the smokers sort-of suspected as acceptable abject-arse-agony-risk ‘as always, save softer’, they suffer sevenfold strapping from him, shall cease to stay in scout-camps but(t) suffer senior Sir’s sadistic ‘stop-smoking-sustainment-sessions’, Saturday after Saturday stripping starkers for sightly-scarlet-striped super-strappings, and so as to secure such senior Sir sought the smokers’ sires’ supplementary-spanking-slips, so signalling these severest spankers’ super-sinful smoking, spelling super-savage sirely spanking-sessions, spending a shared upcoming holiday in one sire’s salmon-smoking-shack stripped and spanked woodshed-style, sighing the super-strapping still seems somewhat-soft seeing such sustained sally-switches-scourging-session superiorly smarts, scarlet-striping spectacularly sorer.