Bad Scouts 2 – David’s Wheelbarrowing : At Bottom Line

Bad Scouts 2: David’s Wheelbarrowing

During a weekend scout trip to the countryside, Scouts Alex and David choose to go for the astronomy badge. But instead of getting out the telescope and doing some actual stargazing, they take the easy way out and fill out their reports with no sightings. It’s a decision that will have unexpected consequences, leading to some very unusual moon shaped ‘sightings’. We start when duo’s merit badge report filled with ‘no sightings’ reaches Scoutmaster Coburn. David is called in to explain…


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Bad Scouts 2: David’s Wheelbarrowing


Title 2257


2 Responses to Bad Scouts 2 – David’s Wheelbarrowing : At Bottom Line

  1. Avatar Bastinado Boy
    Bastinado Boy says:

    Their must handsome model, David, finally gets it real good! A dream come true for me! I have always admired David and wanted so much to see him spanked in the wheelbarrow position! I got my wish! Now, with gorgeous long straight brown hair! He gets the wheelbarrow position! Thank you so much for making this fabulous video with David and in my favorite position! I am honored that my past comments on Jock Spank were realized wonderfully! I will now subscribe to the site!

  2. Desperate dumbo ‘DDs-David’ definitely does daily depend direly on ‘all-knowing’, always-helpful amicably-awesome AAs-Alex since kindergarten: on his own he’ld be lucky to score above E, while Alex aces all courses and takes the time to cleverly work-in enough errors to score BBs for David when he does his buddy’s assignments, even David learned to cheat-copy only in such credible proportion when their teachers don’t supervise at tests. As Alex was away all-spring-holiday on academic exchange-camp for excellence-examples, assignments piled up, amounting as abundantly even Alex couldn’t catch up and attend scouts events, which his lord father imposed as networking training, so the only way out was to opt for the observation so David can present his assignment drafts -all wrong, but enough to work on- and Alex to complete &correct them, alas too time-consuming to combine with actual astronomical observations. Alex correctly calculated no constellation, comet etc. was to be sighted, but(t) couldn’t foresee a brightly-burning falling satellite ‘star’, which spectacularly proved their lack of vigilance.
    Since they were given access to proper equipment and yet failed to spot what is visible with the naked eye, scoutmaster naturally felt they needed some lessons on the naked nates, as naughty knaves naturally needing nasty nurture on the nude. Remembering David’s disgusting record as ‘mooning’ junior cub and much more miserable mutt-stuff, Sir lets Alex update the report before sending it on, so as to safeguard the troop’s reliable reputation, while laying onto learning-allergic, life-lessons-neediest lowlife lad David’s lower limbs with loads of lava-livid licks, long enough to safeguard his own reputation as ruthless rotten-rebel-rear-rough-red-raw-ravaging repressor of rascally rubbish and resistance.
    Sir, like all -David’s ancestors excepted- their elder educators, enjoys enforcing by eerily exposed endurances, the exception as endless ‘employment’ is evident: devilkin dumbo David’s derriere is defrocked for dire discipline about daily, so damned frequently it fails to feel further as a feat for father-figures flailing his foppish fuckup-fanny, for FFs and a flood of stupid squirt sins in school, scouting and so on, since the semi-softy father never spanks his son, nor minds men, mostly school staff, sports & scouts Sirs, supposed sager, sternly scolding, stripping and spanking the systematically-sub-standard student as soundly as they see fit.
    Arse-agonizing almost-angelic A-adolescent Alex is absolutely another affair: a shapely, smart spankee so rare to sentence it’s fairly-fair to flog the fine fellow’s fanny, it feels like a festive forbidden fruit, a rare spankophile privilege as well as almost abusive as he’s an always-attentive A-student. Secretly seeking such select savoured spanking, scoutmaster even deviated from his silent rule to pair matching mates -except when Seniors are instructed to coach juniors- so as to enable fair burden-sharing, knowing David messes up whatever you do, Alex always eagerly helps him, but(t) even he can’t cope with the constant-klutzing-champion’s endless errors every time, hence will at least provide opportunities for counts of couple CP, commencing castigating the commonly-confronted kid’s cones crimson as cover for the coveted case to concentrate on kind of kindly covering the clever kid’s coverless cones in countless, kind of caressing corrective coups.
    Desperate dufus David is too dumb even to notice his mate isn’t getting it nearly as nastily, nor would he meanly mind, while Alex can’t quite compare, nor complain his corporal correction is curiously-kind, what counts in the end is the impact on the utterly-upended, naked-nates-nurtured knave’s mind, mortified to suffer the stupid/scoundrel schoolmates’ frequent frockless-fanny-flailing-fate, for failing by forfeit a right answer, in fairness no fault of his own but(t) a friendly favour fucked-up by fate, fatal for his frockless-flogging-fated fanny, a formidable favour for his far from fair ‘father figure’ featuring as finest-fledgling-fanny-flailing-fun-focussed flogger.