Art by Franco – Spanking Machines and At The Convent

A Selection of Spanking Machines by Franco

Click on the Continue Reading tab below to see a new Fem Dom Spanking picture by Franco

WARNING: Franco’s Fem Dom images feature young men being disciplined and spanked by Strict Women


You can view more of Franco’s Spanking Art by Clicking Here

2 Responses to Art by Franco – Spanking Machines and At The Convent

  1. Avatar Swatter
    Swatter says:

    I am never sure where to (or where NOT to) post things on this website.

    I was wondering if anyone out there is familiar with a site called

    It has been around for years. The site owner was getting older and had some health
    problems. Now the site seems to be gone.

    Does anyone have any information about ?

    • Hi Swatter

      You are correct, the site does appear to be down. I don’t know why that is, but we will try and find out
