An update on “PhotoShopped by Mark”

We have received a number of messages from fans of PhotoShop artist Mark asking when the next batch of images will be posted at JockSpank
Unfortunately Mark has been very busy with his “day job” recently, and PhotoShop art has had to be put on hold for a while. However, the good news is that Mark is planning to start working on a new post very soon.
Mark tells me he misses the fun of creating the images but they are increasingly more time consuming.
As he explains in his own words:
Looking back at earlier stuff that I sent to you I realize that I started out just basically captioning photos I found on the web. There were occasional creations that had more complex composition but generally they were just a little bit of simple photo-shopping and an attempt at a clever caption. The latest images I sent have evolved into a whole different beast.

There are generally multiple source images (sometimes dozens) that make up the panels. I create or expand the backgrounds, search for appropriate objects to enhance the setting (discarded clothing is more of a challenge than you might think especially if it’s character specific) and in many cases use multiple images to make up one figure (especially the spankers). So, although I’ve no one to blame but myself, I’ve now set the bar pretty high and I feel some pressure to keep up the standards.

At one point we had discussed the possibility that your followers might be interested in the process of putting one of the images together; so I’ve compiled a series of images that show the step by step creation of one of the 2014 calendar pages. Hope this will tide the fans over until the next post which I hope be late April or the beginning of May

8 Responses to An update on “PhotoShopped by Mark”

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much for sharing. Mark, you are amazing. Keep up the good work!

  2. Avatar speedoric
    speedoric says:

    MarK;:fascinating. Wh Photoshop programme is this.please? And many thx for yr clever & amusing work.

  3. Thank you Mark for that wonderfully detailed ‘workshop’ of your technique.

    I’ve tried something similar myself, using basic editing software and my limited hardware, with results that come nowhere near Mark’s excellence. But it has shown me just how absorbing ‘fiddling; around with pictures can be and I can imagine just how long it takes Mark to produce such fine work.

    I think the skinny-dipping picture is tremendous – all the elements of a painful an embarrassing spanking!

    10 out of 10 Mark.


  4. speedoric,
    I’m using Adobe Photoshop CS3 version 10.0. By no means the latest version but it serves my needs.

  5. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I request that Mark creates a new banner for Jockspank. The Spryte has served the community well, but it’s time for a change.

  6. Thanks for this. You’re such an artist.

  7. Thanks for sharing your secret. You’re such and artist.