Academy Discipline at Bottom Line

Academy Discipline: Diego

Lt. Riley French now must deal with the terrible trio’s supervisor: Sub-Lieutenant Diego Anderson. Lt. French does not share Sub-Lieutenant Diego’s optimistic appraisal of the situation and gives him a lesson in leadership of his own.


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Academy Discipline: Diego


Title 2257

One Response to Academy Discipline at Bottom Line

  1. While ‘softy’ Lieutenant Riley was initially relieved rough rear-ravaging really-rotten rascal recruits was ‘respectfully re-assigned’ to his bright Sub Diego, whose hell-houndish-harsh hard-handed-handling humble-hound-hinies-hidings happily harvest higher then hoped heightening of harder-learning cadet results, the ruthless recruit-rump-red-raw-rearer’s rapidly resulting respect rate revolution, Riley’s gradually going down as low as Diego’s up and the conduct-correcting-comeuppance-condemned cadets’ crimson-castigated cur-cones up and up again for as-ably-as-amply attribute-applied abject-adolescent-arse-agony, resulted in Riley’s rising resentment.
    Riley requiring resentfully to ‘rectify the record’, the regular rear-admiral-residential retreat was his chance to pretend it is Diego who fails to come down hard enough on under-performers, underwear-down, hence orders him bent-over for a ‘duly-doleful derriere discipline demonstration’ on video, hoping the rear-admiral returns regular rascal-recruits-rearing to him.
    Riley ignores Diego already has a small video-library of his own significantly sounder, sturdier spankings series, and adds a medical report confirming how Riley ‘ravaged his rascal rear’ remarkably restrained, the softy spanker for sure even on demo, so the rear-admiral will withdraw all CP competence from CO Riley, in dutiful derriere-discipline-dispenser Diego’s fine firmer-flailer favour, and his higher-ranking hiney to be hided at the higher echelon, like Riley’s, whose post he’ll inherit when the sneaky dufus is duly dumped in a deadly-dull depot desk-job.