A familiar smile of fascination – by Jason


I am delighted to bring you a contribution from Jason Driskill , an exciting young artist with an amusing and very sexy line in self portrait.  which I am sure many of you will enjoy.

Jason has promised to send us any new “on topic” pictures he creates, which I am looking forward to.

6 Responses to A familiar smile of fascination – by Jason

  1. his artwork brings out the lols

  2. Just found this blog, its great, your photoshop pictures are extremely realistic, good job!!

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  3. Avatar Mister Wolfe
    Mister Wolfe says:

    He is certainly a talented artist and has created some very amusing and clever images in various mediums.

    He is also a cute and spankable young man!

  4. Great stuff! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hooray for LOL’s!

    Thank you guys for the compliments and for checking out my work. I’m really glad you like it!

  6. I actually have some of Jason’s art pieces in my house. Lucky me!

    But he makes sure I don’t get to close to him. Afraid I’ll spank him perhaps?