Sting: Even More Reformatory Spanking in “The Borstal 7” (Part 2 of 2)

The second scene from

The Borstal Part 7

The lad Ward was threatening, Bromley (Allesandro Katz) had now got himself in to trouble.

He too now finds himself knocking on the Governor’s door, this time carrying a note. The note contains a list of all the misbehaving he has been getting in to just lately. He’s a very cheeky lad, younger than Ward, so the Governor decides to deal with him there and then.

It’ll be a taste of the Governor’s leather strap for Bromley



This much used implement is well known for burning and reddening many a badly behaved boy’s bare bottom.


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Then, to reduce his comic attitude some what, Bromley can go over the Governors knee for a good stinging spanking. Well deserved and perfect guidance for such a cheeky young inmate.





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One Response to Sting: Even More Reformatory Spanking in “The Borstal 7” (Part 2 of 2)

  1. I love how much we’re seeing of Luke and his fantastically rounded bottom just lately! And what a delightfully cheeky face young Allesandro has, to say nothing of his cheeky bum! He really does look a naughty boy – very much in need of the discipline that is being administered with Richard’s usual wonderful verve and expertise! ! Both these lads are just perfect for spanking roles with their handsome looks and their moulded-by-the-gods backsides! I especially appreciate seeing Luke laid over the knee and smacked on his underpants – in fact both the lads look absolutely delicious bent over in briefs! Again, could I make a plea to see them in coloured pants?

    That strap being laid on across Allesandro’s bottom looks like a really severe instrument of punishment, which it clearly is if his pained facial expressions are anything to go by – I could almost feel the strokes of it myself as they lashed down across the lad’s pert and very bare bottom! Thanks again, Sting, for yet another brilliantly rewarding spanking experience!!!