BBFC: Jan Dishes

BBFC: Jan Dishes

Teodor goes to get a drink and finds that all the glasses have been used and not washed up, the culprit is Jan. This is typical of a lad who thinks that someone will clean up behind him all the time.


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Teodor has news for him on that little matter. Jan has almost perfected that hurt look that naughty lads can turn on when they are confronted, but it does no good. He finds himself standing at the counter getting his ass spanked. Shorts then black boxers are first then down to the bare ass, Jan is a stocky muscular guy, and he has a great little butt that’s always hard, and with a little fuzzy hair, so he shows off a spanking well.


Mind you I doubt he sees it the same way, these tough guys always get taken down a peg or two when they find themselves being spanked.



One Response to BBFC: Jan Dishes

  1. Ho, ho, hoow, hiiiii, hot-hit hell on his humblehound host hottie hide! How highly honoured he felt when his senior lab mate from a biennial course dropped by to organize their ambitiously amended assignment, well delegate the drag, leg-work, research … and reserved the proud presentation to their professor not unlikely to yield a paying post. So Jan insisted to serve ‘Sir’ refreshments every few minutes, even higher honoured hearing ‘Sir’ remembered Jan’s stories about the House-style and was eager to be served like revered roommate, alas not in, shuffling all-on-ankles in the room, ready to reach-over wood or leather for a flogging touching-toes to young Sir’s taste, but(t) this honoured guest brought his frat paddle, pounding plenty-harder and plenty-more, followed for full fun by a long bare-balls ride OTK, after each of seven servings, lasting so much longer than he dared hope that he had no time to properly clean up before rostered domestic duties, feeling lucky Teodor’s on duty, letting him off with mild hand-spanking his hell-hot-hurting heinie.
    However, he won’t get away nearly so easily coming clean to revered roommate about having served his hidden treasure stash of Belgian chocolates and beer, seven servings spell so-many weeks of hell-hound-harsh happy hour hidings, heating his humble-hound heinie twice a day, firstly privately before breakfast as woefull wake-up, way worse each evening after souper when revered roommate receives grim guest groups given a gleefull go at giving the gullible giver-away grandiose-gruesome globes-grillings, giddily generating generosity for gifts from the flogger-fun-feasting fancy frat friends, in fact fees, financially far-more then the financial frustration, a fearsome-flagellation festival filling fivefold the treasure each week, a fine fund for a fancy future frat feast featuring revered roommate as hosting pledging-payoff-permitted pledge and pledgemaster’s paddle-bearer at painful pretend-penitential-pledge-pantsing-and-posterior-pink-to-pain-purple-pounding-procedure-practice.
    Jan is as peacock-proud as posterior-purple-pained that his protracted punitive posterior paddle-pains-predicament permits the pretty pittiles painer to properly pay to passover pledging-pains and proudly parttake in pledge-‘peers’-paddling painfree, highest-yet honour to have his humblehound-heinie hell-hot-hided for here about hundred happy hours!