BBFC: Meet Jan

BBFC: Meet Jan

New lad Jan is having a shower before filming, but he has left a mess outside the bathroom, shoes and stuff all over the floor.

Dimitri is not happy when he sees this, and the fact that the lad answers him back when he shouts through the door at him, so the plan changes.


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When Jan emerges from the bathroom he is made to clean up the mess and then stand against the wall and get a spanking. Wearing only a towel there’s not a lot the lad can do about it apart from take whats coming.


When the towel is off we see that Jan has a super fuzzy muscular little butt. For all his bravado and tough looks the spanking is a surprise for him, its his first, and the glow from his butt through the hair says that the point is being made well. A super debut for this great looking guy, and judging by his actions it’s not the last we will see of him .



3 Responses to BBFC: Meet Jan

  1. Avatar Blake the jock
    Blake the jock says:

    I must say Jan is unbelievably hot,just like his ass after good spanking

  2. I agree, this boy is smoking hot. Would love to see him being led by the ear to his punishment.

  3. The least we can wish a new whippersnapper on site is a warm welcome, which is exactly what city-virgin agriculture student Jan gets, although not quite how the handsome handful hoped.
    Dimitri normally considers consigning his ‘kid-charges’ to cold-showers a crafty clause for curbing currish caprices, completely complementary to the cumbersome, case-called clothless-cur-cones-crimson-cuts-covering as complete-compliance-compelling, but(t) turned on the warm water, normally reserved for their ‘actual adult betters’ like himself, as a one-off welcome gesture.
    Although his anger at this impish ingratitude seems obvious, Jan is clueless, as in his dirt-poor landless farmhands family’s tiny ‘bunkhouse’ home (a decommissioned barn they reconverted recycling various waste), nine knaves share a bedroom, sleeping starkers (no room for an actual bed) and for lack of bathroom wash up in the tub they -who must fill it heathing well-water dragged in by bucket- only get to use with soiled, tepid water you shiver in after the adults bathed in it, taking turns by pair to tidy up everything afterward, again after (school and) endless chores all bathing in the cold water and replacing it with warm for their elders before being sent to bed, often after an OTK spanking on the wet bare for most of them for any faults or flaws that day.
    So what Dimitri meanly-angrily mistakes for impertinent brat-backtalk is a failed attempt to explain and ask for house-rules, young Jan actually waited for the scarily hot water to cool down, being unaquainted with mixing-in cold, and he only flinches as he mildly burned his bottom testing it too soon, yet stands the painful post-paddling quietly and patiently, feeling at home whenever spanked as knaves learn all lesson there bare-balls, upended OTK for hand-spanked warnings, lectures and reminders, belted for daily discipline and supremely suffering switching for serious sins sentencing a squirt sent towel-only to cut a fresh one first.
    Jan only prays Sir would spell out his duties and fitting floggings, and somehow feels eerily-exposed without the familiar audience of spankable-kin-knaves attending each-other’s posterior punishments nude, sharing erections and afterward buddies tending to the tearfully-tender-thrashed-tails with cold rags for lack of unaffordable soothing-creme. He’ll soon start fitting in as fine as his physique after learning the house rules over Dimitri’s knee before the other knaves moves back in for the approaching school term, Sir agreeing to let them attends his arse-agony assembled whenever possible, and pondering to do so with their own poundings as well!