A Sting in the tail Posted on October 19, 2008 7:11 pm by Ward Which do you prefer ? With speech bubbles … or without? (I know this is not exactly “spanking” but it is a boy with a sore bottom, so it is half way there!) :-)) Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) 📂This entry was posted in Uncategorized
April 10, 2011 Ward The artist is Felix d’EonTruly marvelous work! Go here for his entire -- purchasable -- cannon! www.felixdeon.com
July 19, 2012 Ward Spanking Army Boys After Michal's Punishment the Sergeant decides to give a painful spanking painful to fellow s...
I like both :]
That’s a hot picture with or without the bubbles.
There is a whole lot of “sting” in that picture :-}}
I like with…I’m into humil and the back story (so to speak) is always good… 🙂
Wow ! So good thing !!!
What a perfect fantasy picture