By Friends of JockSpank #1 Posted on July 21, 2012 3:47 pm by Ward Some sexy and amusing fantasy images, created for JockSpank by Cutiepie who’s blogs are Boys Spanking Boys. Naughty Men Spanking and Bare Foot Boys ‘ Boys Spanking Boys. Naughty Men Spanking Bare Foot Boys Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) 📂This entry was posted in computer Art friends of JockSpank
October 7, 2019 Ward BBFC: Ricky Paddled as RequestedBBFC: Ricky Paddled as Requested Ricky always has a lot of requests to fulfill, this one is for TD i...
November 5, 2022 Ward BBFC: Thaigo WheelbarrowBBFC: Thaigo Wheelbarrow Thiago has an attitude that says he needs to spanked on a regular basis, he...