Sting: The Housemaster’s Study 7 (Part 1 of 2)

The Housemaster’s Study Part 7

We’re back at School and the lads always think they can get the better of the Housemaster, Mr Sharpe, and they are always proved wrong!

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Johnny Douglass (Paul Wolfe) is charged with making the Tea for his Housemaster Mr Sharpe (Marco) Today though he’s going to add a little extra ingredient, namely salt! It’ll be something funny to tell his mates later!

However, his plans are scuppered when Mr Sharpe senses something is not quite right and makes Johnny drink it himself!

A prank like this is going to see young Douglass on the wrong end of Mr Sharpe’s gym slipper ..


Click on the Continue Reading tab below to see more.









Not to mention a real stinging spanking on his bare bottom, made far worse by Mr Sharpe who makes full use of the said salt in another more painful way!







In part 2 new Sting Lad Ivan meets Mr Sharpe for the first time

For the next three weeks a full sized, high definition, version of the video preview trailer can be downloaded from SendSpace by CLICKING HERE


The video preview can also be viewed at Spanking Tube shortly




The Housemaster’s Study 7 – in 1080p Extra High Definition


The Housemaster’s Study 7 – in Standard Definition


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One Response to Sting: The Housemaster’s Study 7 (Part 1 of 2)

  1. I thought salt only burns on open cuts?