7 Million Hits

Today JockSpank passed a new milestone when we received our 7 millionth hit since I installed the hit counter at the beginning of May 2010, that is three and a half million hits a year!  In fact although I didn’t add a hit counter until two years in, according to the Google Stats, there have been almost 12 million page views since the blog was created, four years ago next week on the 14th June 2008.
Thanks to all those who keep visiting and making this such a busy site!!.

4 Responses to 7 Million Hits

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Many congrats and keep up all the hard work – it’s very much appreciated : )

  2. Avatar Mister Todd
    Mister Todd says:

    That is an incredible achievement for a special interest fetish blog. Well done

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    i check it every day!!! i love your site.

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    More congrats!!!!!!!!!
    -Stroked- my curiosity
    of how many -hits- I’ve gotten
    from many disciplinarians,
    birthday spankings, initiations,
    and ass loving lovers