The old Sea Shanty asks “What shall we do with the drunken Sailor?”. However, in this instance it is a soldier, played by the ever incorrigible Tigger, who gets drunk and misses parade.
So, what shall we do with him? Make the young rascal straddle a saddle and take a good thrashing with a riding crop on his bare, tender, young backside, that is what!
This scene is from “Instruments of Persuasion II” in which Sting examines some of the less common forms of male bottom aimed Corporal Punishment

Instruments of Persuasion II – DVD
Instruments of Persuasion II – Download
Sting at Mans Hand Films – For US Users
Sting lads Google Group (Fan Club)
Links to both the Sting Pictures and Mans Hand Films 18.USC 2257 age declaration is in the right hand column of this blog
Oh my! Tigger is SOOOO cute.
Tigger is terrific. Looks like he got his ying and yang: pain and pleasure.
wide open wonder