Troopers in Trouble from Sting

The latest Sting Download is “Troopers in Trouble” staring many popular Sting actors, such as Brett, Rusty, Darren, Robbie, Keith and Dexter, together with some new, and equally stoic young men. The story involves young army and cavalry recruits learning about military life in a very painful way.

See links at the bottom of this post

A link to Sting’s US 18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column of this blog.

4 Responses to Troopers in Trouble from Sting

  1. Some betises here kit: troopers in suede shoes?And the stance and ‘uniform’ of the giver. Come on, Royale Studios did also this superbly 50 not 60 years ago as the RS post above

  2. Those are not suede shoes, they are the sort of “plimsoll” style gym shoes which people used to wear for “PE” in those days.

    Sting actually has to import them from a supplier in the Far East, as they are no longer made in the West.

    Sting go to considerable lenghts to get the details right, so I think you are being a little unfair


  4. I really loved the scene with the 2 lads being spanked at the same time was really hot and erotic rich really lays into Rusty which is good to see a hard smacking I’d like to see Sting do some new clips based on thst scene however the otk was to short need to be longer. What would be hit if one of the lads said a bad world as he got up and got an extra min otk while over faces wall I’m full of ideals 😉