Spanking Discipline: Step-Uncle Rick and his Spanking Hand
Having pushed boundaries, broken rules and been cheeky throughout the day on his day out Stevens guardian for the weekend aka Step-Uncle Rick decides that disciplinary attention is required and on returning home Steven is informed that he is being grounded for the weekend.

This is however a grounding with a difference and he is given pyjamas to wear for the duration and informed that spankings will take place throughout the duration on an as and when basis. Starting initially over the thin fabric of his pjs Stevens bottom is soon bared as he endures a weekend of discipline where Step-Uncles spanking hand smacks his behind from otk to the wheelbarrow position and has his legs dangling as Steven is spanked on the high spanking chair.

Strict Step-Uncle Rick promises to spank the naughtiness out of Steven for the duration of his stay.-
Step-Uncle Rick and his Spanking Hand
Spanking Discipline
Title 2257