• Tag Archives information request
  • Information Request

    I believe the above image is from a Mans Hand Film’s Christmas film starring the popular Billy Boy. However, I forget the title and have no idea if the video is still available. If anyone can provide us with any information about the video, or where it can be obtained, please let us know, using the “Leave a Reply” section below. (If you quote your email address, it will not be published)


  • Information Request : GYTD Videos

    We have received an information request for GYTD videos (Get Your Trousers Down). This popular studio seemed to disappear a few years ago. Any information regarding the studio, and the availability of their videos would be most appreciated.

    If you have any information, please let us know, either by leaving a comment below, or using the CONTACT US field in the left-hand column

  • Information Request – Studio 7 Videos

    We have received an Information Request regarding Studio 7 Videos, is anyone aware of any source where these are still available for purchase? In particular, if good quality copies of one of their most famous films “My name is Jacque, and I’m about to get a good spanking” is still available, please let us know, either by leaving a comment below, or using the CONTACT US field in the left-hand column

  • Help Identifying a Video – Update SOLVED


    There has been a lot of interest in the above snippet of video, which was posted as part of the Saturday Spankables last weekend. I found it on a Tumblr site but have been unable to determine its origin.

    Is anyone able to help us find where it comes from, or identify the actors in it?

    Thanks for your help

    Please respond in the Comments, or use the “Contact Us” field in the left-hand column


    Thanks to all those who left comments, and to John and Cody Cane who replied by the Contact Us Tab, and identified the clip as coming from “Yoga Master” by Men.com starring Alan Wernik and Arad Winwin. It appears an interesting flick, and that spanking is only part of the story!!

  • Information Request

    A JockSpank Visitor has asked for help in obtaining an early Mans Hand Film, which we believe may have been called “The Young Executive” or “Spanking the young Executive”. Please see a selection of images from the video below:

    This was not one of the most recent Man’s Hand Films, but one of the early David Stewart directed films which I believe were sold onto another studio, which also no longer exists.

    If You can help find this video, or any other early Mans Hand films, please either reply in the comments section below or by using the CONTACT US field in the left-hand column. Thanks for your help

  • Information Request

    This may be a challenging one, however, I am sure JockSpankers are up for a challenge.

    Our Friend, Dr van Spanking has asked if anyone can identify the origin of the above image, does anyone know what film, video clip or photoshoot it comes from?

    If you can identify it, please either reply in the comments section below or by using the CONTACT US field in the left-hand column

    Thanks for your help



  • Information Request


    The cute GIF above was included among the Spankables posted on Christmas day. It appears to come from a Mainstream movie, however, can anyone identify it and let us know the Movie title (plus any plot details if you know them)

    Replies can be left as comments, or by using the “Contact Us” tab in the left hand column of this site.

    Thanks for your help


    Thanks to those who have assisted in identifying this GIF as coming from the 1991 film Comedy Drop Dead Fred

    JockSpank Visitor Mark Fleischman describes the film as follows: “The movie deals mostly with a young woman who has emotional problems. It implies while she was a child her controlling, manipulative mother helped cause her to create her imaginary friend, Drop Dead Fred. She lashes out in strange ways suddenly. Many people try to help her, care about her, even love her. But, she is really not emotionally well. It seems mostly meant for early teen girls filled with angst. But I think is even pretty extreme for them. Raw humor, occasionally. In the scene it is this woman who actually detached the waiters toga. But she blames everything she does on her imaginary friend Fred. She is born into a life of sophistication. Fred is completely unsophisticated, raw, cruel sometimes, weird in what he says and does (although it is actually her doing it). A pretty weird movie seemed to be aimed at young teen girls.”

    From what we can ascertain it is unlikely Drop Dead Fred features much additional male nudity (and almost certainly no spanking)

  • Information Request

    We have been asked to identify the origin of the above GIF, which was part of Dr van Spanking’s contribution to last Saturday’s Saturday Spankables. I am inclined to suggest it may be from a Bel Ami video, but I can’t confirm that. Does anyone recognise it?

    If you can provide any information please leave a comment below, or use the “Contact Us” tab in the left hand column.

    Thanks for your help


    Thanks to Mahtan for his comment, and to James and Bobby who wrote via the Contact Us Link.

    All have confirmed that the GIF comes from a BelAmi video starring Kriss Evans. Two titels have been suggested “Exploring Kriss Evans” and “Kriss Evans and the Kinky Angels – part 2”

    From the image below, which I found Online, it is definitely Bel; Ami and starts muscular Kriss Evans.