Discipline Master: Candidate and Discipline Master: Monitor & Prefect
Monitor & Prefect
BLS is pleased to announce the release for Android of Discipline Master: Candidate (“DMC”) and Discipline Master: Monitor & Prefect (“M&P)”. These releases are full, feature-complete ports to Android mobile phones of the Windows/Mac versions of the games. They have been updated for touch controls and small screen sizes.
Candidate: The school Discipline Master is being promoted to Headmaster – and his cane is up for grabs! Several candidates have applied to be the new Discipline Master; the player will take control of one of these candidates. Their actions over a trial period will determine if they get the Discipline Master job at the end of the game.
For more information and to buy visit: https://www.disciplinemaster.net/dmc-en.htm
Monitor & Prefect: Spring term is here! Players will adventure with senior Prefect and Class Monitor Liam Jones as he navigates the world of an elite international boarding school in Asia.
For more information and to buy visit: http://disciplinemaster.net/mp-en.htm
The Discipline Master games are also available for Windows/Mac computers.
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