This is the first of two postings focusing on Part One of the Sting Double Bill “Discipline Down Under 1”
In an early scene, Vex makes the first of two appearances when he and JJ both receive a sound caning, each boy watching in horror as his fellow miscreant receives his stripes.

Barry also takes two spanking, the first is a hand spanking delivered across the master’s knee
The following clip, kindly contributed by Roy from Clublads, was released with the permission of Sting and features a few moments from the much longer scene where Brett Spanks David for smoking:
To Be continued ………….
Sting Double Bill – DVD
Sting Double Bill – Download
Sting at Mans Hand Films– For US users
A link to the Sting Pictures USC 18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column at this blog
I have to say this is one of the all-time Sting classics. I am a HUGE fan of Vex and he never looked better than in these two flicks. It’s a shame the English lads have all but disappeared from Sting now. The Czech boys do their best, but – somehow – they don’t look the part like their English counterparts did. Too buff probably for their roles! before they left the UK was truly Sting’s ‘Golden Age.’ Thanks for reminding me!
Sensation spectacular spanking
by beautiful Brett
of delightful David’s
absolutely amazing, astonishing and awesome ass.
With protruding penis
David’s delighted
with the pain
of the cane.
Good going guy.