Sting Raw – The Prisoner (The Governor’s choice)

The latest Sting Raw release is “The Prisoner (The Governor’s Choice)” Staring Lucky Taylor.

Paul Miller is an inmate at Wallensea Prison. Like all younger members of the prison population he can be a nuisance and his recent behaviour has begun to shave several days off his remission. The governor can detect those younger prisoners who are naturally mischievous lads rather than deliberate trouble makers. In Miller’s case he gets a choice, loss of remission or punishment off the record Governor style. Of course he nods his head and chooses to get dealt with right away to ensure he keep his release date unchanged. The Governor starts the session with a hot reddening spanking over the knee just right for an insolent brat like 2496 Miller! He then quickly follows this with a good hard strapping, the noise of which rings around the prison as a warning to others. Miller’s bare and inflamed bottom is an angry red, glowing brightly after the hard strapping! Surely now other lads will know If you want to break the rules you might be lucky and be given the governors choice.

The Prisoner (The Governor’s Choice) Download

There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog 1

6 Responses to Sting Raw – The Prisoner (The Governor’s choice)

  1. a strong sting

  2. Serious spanking instead of so much time is cost effective.

  3. I am in awe
    of Sting Raw
    best way to honor the law

  4. over the knee
    best for intimacy
    leather given loving
    yes saves money
    and fine
    to limit the time.

  5. Beat ever picture set from sting ever! Brill 🙂 I have these pics saved there so hot

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.