Paul’s caning from Gray Shorts continues, and after a severe caning across his shorts and then his underpants, we find Paul with the thin layer of protection pulled down and around his ankles revealing his tender and already well reddened bottom. Unlucky young Paul’s perfect bottom will be bare for the rest of his long, hard and well deserved punishment.
As a head boy, Paul had responsibilities and when he breaks the rules the consequences are severe!
The sequel to Paul’s Grey Short’s caning appears in “Asian Incident”, when Chris (played by Brett) recalls how his big brother Paul had been soundly thrashed at school, and then that evening had to take a note home to his father informing him he had been punished.

Gray Shorts 1 also stars James, Stephen, Mark, a young Brett and a number of oriental sting lads
Grey shorts on DVD
Grey Shorts Download
Asian Incident DVD
Asian Incident Download
Sting from Mans Hand Films for US users
Sting US.18.2257
Grey shorts on DVD
Grey Shorts Download
Asian Incident DVD
Asian Incident Download
Sting from Mans Hand Films for US users
Sting US.18.2257
you should take a poll and rank the stinglads. there’s a good chance paul would get #1. maaaaybe brett or matt. darren is top 5.
you should take a poll and rank the stinglads. there’s a good chance paul would get #1. maaaaybe brett or matt. darren is top 5.
I love that shot of Paul’s underpants round his ankles,its amusing, so humiliating for him, and so satisfying for the viewer.
Of course, that is where Paul’s pants should always be!
I should add this is a really hot set of pictures, thanks for posting them.
Please post more pictures of Paul, there is a great scene ion one of the Punishment Books where he gets the slipper.
WIthout a doubt, one of the finest spankbois ever committed to film.
Oh, I love this boy and that man and that firm young ass getting spanked. Mmm.. The boy’s low hung big ball sack is then like the icing on the cake! Wooow! God, please grow me one of those! Please grow a great couple on ALL men! Now, that’d be heaven=D
Well, Paul’s ass got it twice, hell, had it been my ass, even after gettin licked with the cane, my old man would of laid on 60 strokes with his razor strap! And I got it till 19!
double dose of deserved discipline
Paul is absolutely delightful, well-built and yet still vulnerable, as handsome as hurtfully hideable, as his Thespian expression commonicates admirably, so his strict dad is most welcome tosend him over for posterior punishment whenever required or otherwise deemed appropriate!
By the way, daddy is a more sensible disciplinarian then the headmaster: if you start with ‘lighter’ spankings (here on clothes which come down gradually, often the error even extends to attributes), you sort of waste your energy, while once a squirt’s stripes stir sorrily-sore squirming less force still inficts more pain, while doing minimal damage.
i got the cane everyday sir