Special Rehearsal : At Bottom Line

Special Rehearsal: Alex

Alex hasn’t been showing up to rehearsals either… and when asked, he doesn’t even know what his part in the coming performance is. He is punished by Hector after school in detention for a special rehearsal.


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Special Rehearsal: Alex


Title 2257


One Response to Special Rehearsal : At Bottom Line

  1. Alas for angelic almost-all-AAs-student Alex’s already-abundantly-abused adolescent arse, academic awards are no acceptable alternative for any activity at the absurdly-named Arcadian Academy’s actually awfully Spartan surplus summer school, a strict scheme of still steadily-spankable studies in supposedly-scholarship-supportive extracurricular activities, all compulsory regardless of aptitude or ambition. It’s all absolutely absurd in Alex’s case, as he already qualified for a private academic top college full scholarship, but(t) his father can’t undo the permission absentmindedly signed at enrolment, and headmaster Hector formally refuses to do without one of the few students whose Thespian and linguistic talents suffice for main parts in his Shakespearian course.
    Alex’s fearsome father Philip, a frequently-firmly-filial-fanny-flailing firm-executive with ample advancement ambition, arranged for an actually-ad rem summer seminars series at company HQ, where the crafty kid and hoped-for heir can even start networking for a brilliant business career fitting his academic AAs, only a PE C-score rendered his summer school attendance compulsory at the head’s discretion. Philip refuses to pay his way out by donation to the school like previous terms, now needing all his fortune to premium-partake in a management takeover, even Alex’s allowance is suspended and his study fund borrowed for the family fortune furthering. The ever-obliging son promises to pay his way and play his part, also literally, starring in the series of summer school plays, aiming for the modest sponsored performance prizes to contribute, so he’ll take leads in all eight of Hector’s weekly Shakespearian performances, sure he can deliver Thespian top-quality without rehearsals at times incompatible with his seminaries, so submit to the standard sizzling sanction for such ‘shameless truancy’: trouserless teen-tail-tender-tanning to the thorny thrashing-taste of the towering tormentor, a true torrent of thwacks torturing the truant to tearful two-tails-throbbing.
    In truth, terrifyingly-though teen-thrall-tush-thrasher Hector regretted privately previously being privated by payments of pitilessly punishing the primus-puppy as poor-punctuality-penalty by pitifully-private-parts-privacy-privated pantless-posterior-pink-to-pain-purple-pounding with plenty of paining-punishable puerile-peers-public, proudly putting into play his panoply of pain-punitive playthings to pitilessly punish pouting penitent puerile pups at his predatory pounder-pleasure. Hector has kind of convinced himself, like his father and grandfather … carefully and copiously carrying-on a frightfully-furiously filial-fannies-flailing family tradition of truly-thorny teen-tush-thrashing, that whatever fine results are reached in grades and behaviour, no knave’s education properly prepares for real life’s cruel kind of hard knocks without the wisdom to ‘welcome’ whatever wretched willlessly-willy-wagging worm-wise wriggling wickedly-well-wielded whips whooping the wanton without warning or wayward why, to which ‘worthy root-cause’ Hector and his ancestors suffered at least once a month a ‘maintenance’ meekly-mounted-male-mutt-mounds-martyry, and more by way of daunting demo of dire divested-derriere-dermis-damning discipline whenever a visit offered opportunity for one other obediently-offered-orbs-ordeal out of the ordinary order.
    One might absolutely argue such additional abject-adolescent-arse-attributes-abundantly-applying agony actually is utterly pointless in Alex’s case, as pitilessly-paternalistic paternal punisher Philip practices that painful preceptorial principle plenty, privately pleased by the paternal prime privilege to punish and ‘prepare’ such perky puerile puppy at his proud and pitiless pleasure, but(t) Alex also agrees ‘happily’ that hellishly-harshly hitting his ‘highborn hiney’ here too has a higher purpose as setting a splendid example for the benefit of such commoner classmates whose ‘foppish’ fathers didn’t sign permission of posterior punishment at preceptorial (and prefectorial) pleasure since Philip’s promotion and painfully-perfectionist prince-preparing is part of a plan to proliferate the peerage-past in the family tree, their ancestors being impoverished, untitled descendants of the area’s actual aristocracy, aiming to buy back the manor in Philip’s life and Charles’s reign, at the latest see Alex knighted and titled again, probably by king William, another heir and paternal prime pride and joy, who can’t help the only known lacune in his education is being spared the cane at public school due to miserably-merciful modernity, Philip even feels his Christian name -like Alex’s referring to the Great Macedonian dynasty, they even have Hellenic ancestors too- sort of destines him to hard-handed-handle his heir like his royal duke namesake reputedly excelled in discipline.
    As planned, Philip will be equally proud when AAs-champion alumnus Alex becomes CEO, baronet and school board president, as reward for donating an actual school theatre adding to the summer school’s stage repertoire an autobiographic play in Shakespearian style, to star each year’s valedictorian with lots of live lower-limbs-lacerating lashing, lava-lividly lacerating the lustrous lout on the bare in every scene wielding another arse-agony-application-attribute from Hector’s historical collection, the school’s highest honour and a perfect pretext for headmasters to pitilessly posterior-punish pain-purple at preceptorial pleasure any preeminent pupil in ‘promising preparation’ for the possibility of the proudest part, paternal permission for which is a compulsory clause of matriculation, so all promising pupils can in school assembly get the believed benefit of a beautifully-bright-beet-red-beaten bare behind being blistering-beheld by boys and betters.