But students at St Augustine High School in New Orleans, Louisiana, have been holding a rally to support corporal punishment at the school, including paddling.
The practice was put on hold this year by the board of trustees after the Archbishop of New Orleans, Gregory Aymond, 61, said it does not belong in a Catholic school.
Hundreds of students at the predominately African-American school chanted in unison during a rally: ‘Leave St Aug alone, leave St Aug alone’.
St Augustine student Ajani Gibson told the crowd: “Regardless of how you may personally feel about the paddle – what our school is doing works.”
Click here for the full news report
Hat Tip: Rich from Sting
I think this just goes to show that male students like it best when there is swift and just punishment if they break the rules… who wants detention… or more school work? I know when I was that age I always chose paddling over detention… it hurt for a little bit, but it was over quick!
It’s not surprising that the students would absorb the views of the faculty and their parents, and their religion that paddling is good. They can still receive all the corporal punishment they want when they become consenting adults; I don’t think anyone should be coerced, especially given the sex scandals in the Catholic church.
Getting to the bottom of the problem is effective.