In all the years of his childhood, I had never spanked the boy. I always believed that spanking was rather abusive and that it taught kids to solve problems with violence.
But, here he was, stretched across my lap, yielding to my authority! There was an expression of mild surprise on his face, and the only sound he made was of quickly exhaled breath when I landed my hand across his bottom.
It was a hot day, and I could smell the masculine odor that wafted from the cleft of his ass. The musky smell was oddly intoxicating. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I became entranced by the sight and sound of methodically slapping the boy’s upturned butt. I never felt so connected to the boy as I did in this moment.
Gradually, Rusty began to emit little grunts and moans.
As my confidence grew, so did the intensity of the spanking. I began to put more shoulder behind the swats, and I could tell by the little jerks and grunts, that the spanking was starting to have an effect. This only egged me on further as I increased the strength and frequency of the swats.
Rusty was now really starting to react. He pushed up on his forearms like he wanted me to let him off my lap. I pushed him back down and held him there while I put full force behind the smacks on his squirming butt.

My hand landed squarely across both cheeks on the fullest portion of his lower bottom. Rusty gasped, and a quiet “Ow!” escaped him.
I began spanking in a circle all around the seat of his under shorts.
“I am going to spank you until you can’t sit down, boy!” Perspiration was starting to bead on my forehead. “I am going to spank you every day of your life if I have to get you to stop smoking! Do you hear me, boy?”
“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, Dad. I’ll quit this time. I promise! I’ll quit for good!” My heart swelled in my chest. I’ve always considered myself to be a ‘modern’ parent, and I’ve never required my son to call me ‘Sir.’ But this felt good…really good.”
“How am I going to know you mean it, Rusty? I’ve heard the same thing from you a hundred times. How do I know you mean it?” I gave him three really hard swats.
“Ow! Daddy, please. That hurts!” There was a distinct whine in his voice now, with an edge of desperation.

I placed my right hand firmly under his chest and lifted him suddenly to his feet.
“Let’s have a look. I want to make sure this spanking is having the proper effect.” I noticed a dampness around the boy’s eyes. “Pull down those shorts and let me see your bottom, Rusty. I want to see what effect this is having.”
“Aw, Dad. Come on. I’m not gonna show you my bare butt. Jeezus!” There was a distinctly worried tone to his voice, and he tried to pull way.
“Get back here, boy, and show me your bottom, unless you want to get back over my lap and we can continue where we left off.”
“No, Dad. Please. I’ve had enough.”
“Alright, then. Let’s see those cheeks.”
“Maaannn,” he replied in a little boy’s complaining tone. He turned to show me his butt. But, instead of pulling his shorts down as I had expected, he pulled them up to expose the lower swells of a richly pink pair of freshly spanked cheeks.

“When I tell you to do something, boy, I expect you to do it.”
“OW!! Da-aaad! Shit! That hurts!”
“I guess, while I’m at it, I’m going to have to teach you some respect!!”

“Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!” He wailed. “I’m sorry, Dad!”
“Call me ‘Sir,’ boy. When I’m disciplining you, I expect you to speak to me with absolute respect! Do you understand me!?”
“Yes, Sir. OW!! Sir! I’m sorry, SIR!” His voice was shrill.
“That’s better! Now let’s have these down.” And, with a sudden jerk, I pulled the boys boxers all the way to his knees. But, instead of a naked, well-spanked bottom, I discovered…
End of Part 2
(to be continued)
Click here for part 1
Ahh these were your pictures and story! I’ve always loved this one! Thanks for posting 🙂