CHpm05d1ccb0_475e94a4_540 Attached Source Saturday Spankables Finding their level, the SATURDAY SPANKABLES Spankables by Dr van Spanking Thanks to Dr van Spanking for the first team of Spankables * Click on the Continue Reading tab below to see more. * _________... CHpm0xXUMAAhgDr tumblr_md80d0Iptw1rho3svo1_500
November 15, 2011 Ward Spanking Army Boys – Discipline for a SoldierAn Army related posting from Spanking Army Boys. A young soldier reports for discipline and is...
February 7, 2014 Ward Control T – The Doctor Will Spank You NowAnother trip back to the 1980's and some more images (mostly black and white) from the iconic spanki...