Summer memories in the Fall the SATURDAY SPANKABLES
Spankables by Dr van Spanking
our first set of spankables are from Dr van Spanking
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<- Tom Daly Preparing to dive
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Spankable boys tracked down by Bruce
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NOTE: the Saturday Spankables are images taken from the public domain and are posted here for the enjoyment of those who appreciate the male form. Jockspank gain no financial benefit from these images, if you have any concerns or comments regarding any image, please let us know, using the CONTACT US field in the left-hand column
I was asked several years ago by a follower on my then Tumblr site, if I could spank a young male celebrity, who would it be? Without any hesitation I said it would have to be Tom Daley, who would be in his very early twenties at the time. My follower asked what position Tom would be in to be spanked and what he would be wearing. Position was no problem, as there’s only one posture that would do justice to young Tom’s general spankableness – he’d be laid over my knee! What he’d be wearing was a little more problematic, as he tends to look really smackable whatever he’s wearing! However, at the time there was a lovely cheeky little YouTube video of him called ‘What shall I wear to Wimbledon?’ It’s well worth a watch, by the way, so here is a link:
What shall I wear to Wimbledon? – YouTube
It shows some footage of Tom in his underpants (sadly rare at that time, though there have been more such photos since, some of which are guaranteed to set your spanking-hand a-tingling!). The video shows a glimpse of Tom’s rear-view and profile in some deliciously short royal-blue boxer-briefs with a bright-red waistband and leg-trims – just perfect to frame his cheeky little bottom for a spanking, to say nothing of being my all-time favourite colour for spankingwear! Watch the video and if that sight doesn’t practically set your palm a-fire, I’ll eat my shortest shorts with your choice of a garnish! (For American friends, incidentally, ‘shorts’ means short trousers as opposed to underpants.) At the time I said that it would be that particular pair of pants that Tom would be laid across my knee in! But looking at this morning’s gif above, I’d have to say I’d changed my mind on that and that those brightly mottled swimming-briefs Tom is wearing would be the ones in which the lad would feel the stinging, smarting force of my spanking slipper over my knee! Also, swimming-trunks, as Tom prefers to call them himself, have the added feature of being nylon or polyester, which always gives an extra kinky element to a spanking! Oh, for the return of those brightly coloured nylon briefs that were the fashionable underpants for boys in the 70s – the Golden Age of Spanking, when shorts were properly short, underpants were brief, and hard smacked bottoms with a variety of instruments of punishment were still the accepted and approved way to discipline naughty boys!
Actually, thinking about all this, I must admit to a regular fantasy of mine, where I line up all the cheeky little lads from Olympic Team GB diving-team, bare except for their swimming-briefs! I then lay each boy over my knee in turn and use my hardest leather-soled spanking slipper to smack his bottom UNTIL IT’S PURPLE!!! The other boys watch, eyes narrowed and lips pursed at the eye-watering severity of what they’re seeing administered across their team-mates’ well-rounded bums, each one clutching his pert buttocks in fearful anticipation of his own punishment!
As it happens, from what you can see on social media, some of our Team GB diving-lads seem capable of being quite naughty, especially young Jack Laugher, if his Only Fans site is anything to go by (where he freely indulges his inordinate liking for being photographed in his underpants of various colours!). I can’t help thinking that a long, severe session, face down on his tummy over the knee in his underpants or swimming-pants for a good spanked bottom, would do that boy the absolute world of good!
I also can’t help thinking that, in putting this Team GB fantasy down in writing, I’ve given my lovely readers a bum-smackingly tantalising glimpse of Spankers’ Heaven! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! OWW!!!