tumblr_mqzr05BJLB1ss6rj1o5_500 Attached Source Saturday Spankables Unless you are doing Corner Time, come over and enjoy the SATURDAY SPANKABLES This week we kick off with a selection of suitably spankable subjects from Bruce * Click on the Continue Reading tab below... tumblr_mg4uvt90Ge1qfbkjzo1_1280 tumblr_my4movfZVl1s9jdlxo1_1280
August 11, 2014 Ward NTO Communications – The CatererNTO Communications: ​L​ennon was hired to cater a party for Steve Davis. He was given a budget and c...
April 3, 2019 Ward BBFC: Meet MatejBBFC: Meet Matej Matej is one of our new Czech lads and this is his first ever spanking. The new pla...