tumblr_mg4uvt90Ge1qfbkjzo1_1280 Attached Source Saturday Spankables Unless you are doing Corner Time, come over and enjoy the SATURDAY SPANKABLES This week we kick off with a selection of suitably spankable subjects from Bruce * Click on the Continue Reading tab below... tumblr_md80d0Iptw1rho3svo1_500 tumblr_mqzr05BJLB1ss6rj1o5_500
April 10, 2019 Bruce Sting: Clouded JudgementClouded Judgement The best place for a quick smoke is the bathroom. Paul (JD Black) has been using i...
May 15, 2014 Ward Mans Hand – Red Tails Magazine (Part 2)Here are the second set of pages from some 2011 issues of Red Tails Magazine including the front cov...