I am able to assure you that all of the footage in Reformatory USA is original and none has been released previously.
Reformatory USA is Sting’s most ambitious project and a labour of love which they have been working on for over three years. Over that period some individual still images from production shoots have been released. and this may be where the commentators misunderstanding came from, however, no film footage has ever been previously released.
One of the joys of Reformatory USA is being able to see previously unseen film of popular actors, like Vex, who seem to have now moved on, and also film of others, such as Matt Mills, looking younger, because they indeed were younger when the film was shot and which has been held in the can ever since whilst the rest of the film was put together.
Sting has released other DVDs and downloads whilst working on Reformatory USA, but this has been their on-going project throughout all that time, and I can attest to the many hours, weeks and indeed years that Sting have been working on this movie. It was for that reason I felt it necessary to correct the incorrect statements made here yesterday.
I am sure that the commentator spoke in good faith, having seen advanced stills from the movie (such as these which were posted here 18 months ago) and thinking he had also seen the action, however, the fact remains that he was wrong.
Reformatory USA is all new, never seen before and smoking hot.
There are honest and decent people in the adult movie industry, Rich and Rob from Sting are two of the most honest and decent, they do not rip off their customers and never have.
Reformatory USA comes highly recommended by all of us at JockSpank.

Reformatory US DVD
Sting at Mans Hand Films– For US users
A link to the Sting Pictures USC 18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column at this blog