Coming soon from Sting – Army Cadet, directed by Jonathan Fox is scheduled for release later this week. The stars include Rusty, Richie and Justin.A link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 proof of age / record keeping declaration is in the right hand column at this blog.
Copper’s Tribute to M_MSpanking
For a number of years I had the pleasure of being one of the moderators of the M_MSpanking Google Group. When M_MSpanking closed down earlier this year the fantastic artist and Mans Hand Films regular Copper created this wonderful and much treasured tribute to the group.
In The Robotics Lab
By the artist Franco
At Robotron Robotics Inc., Dr Robert Smythe, senior fellow and Director Of Research is testing the new M-38 Robot. Dr. Smythe stated that the new M-38 is currently sporting heightened and enhanced abilities, including a more advanced tactile touch comprehension, as well as greater speed, agility and strength. The new, robot also boasts improved reasoning and intuitive skills and compared to it’s predecessor, a much, more, efficient problem solver.
For the test Dr Smythe gave the robot a one word command program instead of writing a list or a grouping of basic, functionary commands. This word (program) was known only to Dr. Smythe so as not to compromise the test in any way.
The M-38 executed it’s task flawlessly, easily deciding the best methods with which to prepare and present the subject and volunteer assisting with this critical experiment; Junior Research Associate, Jimmy Orbbs, the youngest member of Robotron’s research team. Mr. Orbbs was initially, quite excited to be part of this test.
As the test progressed, the entire research team was impressed with the abilities of the M-38. Even Robotron’s previous model, the M-37 was able to follow and document the entire process with interest. Dr. Smythe deemed the experiment a complete success!
However, Jimmy was not at all enamored with the test and voiced his displeasure. As the experiment progressed, the usually cooperative, Mr.Orbbs became less and less willing to proceed and became quite adamant about halting the test.
Resistance proved futile, as the M-38 responded to the junior researcher’s un-cooperative behavior by briskly applying, (at length), a wooden ping pong paddle squarely across Jimmy’s bare, upturned posterior, thus giving our junior researcher his first, spanking ever in his young, thirty one years.
Of course, after the experiment was over, a smiling Dr. Smythe revealed the one word command program.
Late For Curfew – By MancSpank
MancSpank’s latest release Late for Curfew opens with an angry dad, played by Stuart, sitting up reading a book and watching the clock, awaiting the overdue return of his son. He says nothing, but his tight lipped expression and the look in his fierce steely eyes, as he stares at the clock, tells the audience that his hands are just itching to spank someone.Finally, four hours after curfew, the very individual he is itching to spank, his very drunk and tobacco smelling nineteen year old son, Scott, staggers in protesting “It’s not that late” and “I didn’… ‘hick’ … drink that mush…”. ealising Scott is too drunk to deal with then and there Dad orders him off to bed. As the drunken lad stumbles around his bedroom attempting to take off his clothes, he has no idea of what is in store for him, and is already into a drunken slumber when Dad enters the room to check on him and snarls “It won’t just be your head that’s some in the morning!”
In fact it is not the morning, but well into the afternoon when the now very hung over Scott finally wakes up and wanders into the dining room in search of toast, little realizing the only thing getting toasted that day would be his 19 year old backside. There he encounters his stern Dad, who lectures him about smoking, drinking and staying out after curfew.Scott’s arrogant, nonchalant and downright cocky responses mean that the audience will certainly cheer with approval when Dad informs him that he is going to get spanked.That soon wipes the smile off Scott’s handsome face especially when moments later his pajama pants are round his knees and he is perched bare bottom uppermost across Dad’s knee.
Within moments his petulant protests of “I’m too old to be spanked!” melt into pleading cries of “Please stop!.. I will be good! … OWWW!! Dad!! … I won’t do it again!”.
From that point in, the already very enjoyable tail of a well toasted tail, becomes classically and satisfyingly MancSpank. Stuart’s relentless rapid fire spanking technique is soon turning Scott’s bare bottom a bright and obviously painful shade of red, whilst the probing camera glides effortlessly in and out taking in every aspect and angle of Scott’s overdue comeuppance. Focusing in close up first on the reddening target as if inviting us to enjoy every inch and aching pore of Scott’s young and punished skin, …. … before honing in mockingly on his handsome but pain and humiliation contorted face. The unlucky Scott receives a long hard and well deserved spanking, but his troubles are not over yet. At last the spanking ends and Scott is forced to stand with his hands on his head with his bare red bottom embarrassingly on full display.Fnally to ensure the message has reached home, Dad orders Scott to bend over the arm of the couch while he unbuckles his belt and applies it where it does the most good.I’m only guessing, but it will be some time before Scott ignores his curfew or drinks and smokes again!!A well made and performed, Late for Curfew includes a convincing story line, hot action and a handsome star who you will really want to see getting what he deserves.Lincs
Ants eye view
As this image from their latest download shows, Sting have not lost their great eye for a camera angle!!
Sting’s latest Download – St Datchet’s Academy – the Epilogue
The new Sting download “St Datchet’s Academy – The Epilogue” complete the story of Tales from St Datchets Academy. In the original story (also on DVD) the final reckoning had come for the lads at Debden Hall, Nick Frazer and Mike Dawson. Frazer receiving a hard birching from his housemaster while his cohort Dawson was made to look on and witness the spectacle. In this new story (The epilogue) the prefects at St Datchets, Christian Weaver (Brett Stevens) and Paul Harrington (James) also get their comeuppance for their own illegal trading activities associated with Frazer and Dawson. Weaver is willing to accept his guilt and takes a hard caning of which he painfully calls and counts out every stroke! Harrington the ringleader doesn’t want to come so easily but is forced by the new housemaster Dr Barton, now transferred from Debden Hall, to take his well deserved punishment a birching with the famed St Datchets brush birch laid on by Mr James the PE head.
The final reckoning had come for Weaver and Harrington but others too where feeling the sting of firm discipline. New PE master Mr Medek (Dexter) was dealing out his own form of punishment to two inseparable offenders Simmons (Sebastian) and Roberts (Rowan Hunter). Good hard over the knee spankings followed by the slipper and a burning touch the toes caning was this fit young PE masters recipe to cure bad behaviour. Another student, Andrew Peterson (Ginger) is keeping Mr Gregory busy with his tuck shop raiding exploits resulting in a night time slippering over the gym horse.
New master Mr Jeffries (Jamie) also crosses swords with young Peterson who soon finds himself across his knee! New prefects are being made up and one Macalister (Barry) is getting his punishment giving skills in order. His spanking of 5th former James Mitchell (Alistair Cole) seems to be a good start but laying on a good caning is another matter! Joe Templeton (Matt Mills) has managed to rub Deputy Head Alan Harrison up the wrong way again and is summoned to the hall for a birching. The padre ever watchful for transgressors deals with both Charlie (Vex) and Chinese student Lee, his heaving pounding hand bringing a sharp sting to the boy’s defenceless bare bottoms. All in all for the wayward Students it’s a red raw and painful run up to the end chapter of St Datchets Academy: The Epilogue.
Those who remember the scene in St. Datchet’s Academy where Weaver (Brett) and Harrington (James) bully poor little David, will enjoy seeing them get their comeuppance. Here Weaver gets 24 strokes of the cane, all on his bare behind.
Teacher and the Bad Boys – Part 5
As Zendo waddles painfully back to the desk rubbing his spanked bottom, it is Svens turn to go over teacher Viktor’s knee.
This scene appears at the beginning of School Daze II by William Higgins. School Daze II is primarily a vanilla sex gay porn movie, the spankings only occur in the first five minutes, but they result in some great images all the same.
William Higgins now has a section devoted to spanking and foot punishment called “Corporality” at Czech Guys Next Door
William Higgins 18.USA.2257 declaration
Interview with a Spanker – Dr. Barton
I have recently had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of the actor, best known as Dr. Richard Barton who has appeared in a large number of Sting Movies and has recently appeared in a production by MancSpank (with more to come I believe).
Whilst working with Sting he has appeared in various roles in many of their movies and downloads from “Tales from St. Datchets Academy” through to “Refornmatory USA” and “The Headmaster”, playing either Dr. Barton, Mr. Andrews or of course ‘The Governor’. As the strict and magically sarcastic disciplinarian, Richard Barton has been lucky enough to leave his mark on the bare behinds of many of the most iconic of Sting’s young actors, in some classic and unforgettable scenes.
Richard Barton has been kind enough to agree to let me interview him, and here is the result. I am sure you will enjoy my interview with a particularly lucky spanker.
Interview with Dr BartonQuestions:
Ward: Dr. Barton, you are fast becoming quite an iconic figure for the spanking community following your work with Sting, and more recently with MancSpank, as you appear very experienced and proficient at what you do. Have you always had an interest in spanking and corporal punishment?
Dr Barton: ‘Iconic’ is a bit daunting! I just thought I was doing it because it was fun!
My earliest memory of being ‘turned on’ by corporal punishment was aged 8 at primary school when the teacher did a history lesson called ‘Going to school in Tudor times’. She used an illustration from a magazine called ‘Look and Learn’ which showed a stern master wielding a birch and a boy bending over in the classroom. I remember thinking ‘That’s good, I like that!’ When the lesson was over I asked if I could borrow the magazine and took it home to examine it more closely…
Look and Learn the educational comic magazineThe rest is, as they say, history!
Most of the ‘Look and Learn’ material is now available on the web including ‘my’ picture. It’s still good!
____________Ward: Are you part of the spanking community in real life?
Dr Barton: Yes, I have a particular young friend who enjoys the school/CP scene and I attend ‘Boys and Sirs’ in London when I can. I’m also happy to visit or entertain at home people who want some ‘cheeky fun’.
Dr. Barton with Brett in Approved Education 2Ward: You make a very effective movie disciplinarian as you have a very strong screen presence and manage to convey a sense of controlled menace, which I am sure a bad boy would find quite intimidating. How much of the Dr. Barton or Mr. Andrews we see on screen is you, and how much is acting?Dr Barton: Thank you for saying that. In a sense it’s all acting and all me at the same time because actors reach inside themselves to use aspects of themselves to create a character.In the Sting/MancSpank films I find that assertive, authoritarian side of my nature and let that, hopefully, lead me into the character and it seems to work.I also quite enjoy playing the role of sarcastic bastard, it’s very satisfying!
Ward: How did you first start working with Sting and what are your views on their work?
The birching scene from Gray Shortsclick to view a slightly larger imageDr Barton: Back in the days of video I bought ‘Skool Days Diary : Grey shorts I’ from Sting and was very impressed at the quality. I had seen some spanking videos but, frankly, most of them were awful! Then I saw ‘Grey shorts’ and it was on a different planet in terms of authenticity and production values. Also, the lads in that video were great, and the canings etc. laid on very well. There is a particular scene where Brett gets a birching which is still, in my opinion, one of the best scenes Sting have done.
Dr. Barton with Lee in Tales from St Datchets AcademyAnyway, I was fairly new to the scene, but ‘up for new experiences’ so I wrote to Sting, enclosed my picture and offered my services as a Master. To my amazement and delight they replied and said ‘yes’! My first filming session with Sting ended up as the final scene of ‘Tales from St. Datchet’s Academy’._______________
Ward: As you have worked so much with Sting, most of the movies you have appeared in feature “English” style discipline from the 1950’s and 60’s, do you find that genre particularly appealing yourself?Dr Barton: Very much so, I love the whole 1940/1950s retro thing, the clothes, and traditional school etc. I find old wooden desks very appealing and the feel of chalk on my fingers! I would have loved to have been a schoolmaster back then in a traditional school.______________________
Ward: You have appeared in a number of Sting Movies, such as “Approved Education” I and 2, “Borstal Correction”, “Instruments of Persuasion”, “Sticks and Stones”, “Reformatory USA” and “The Headmaster”, do you have a favourite movie, or movie scene you particularly enjoyed, and could you tell us why it was so enjoyable?With Ginger in Sticks and StonesClick on image to see a larger versionDr Barton: I still think the first scene I did for Sting, which ended up in St. Datchet’s, where I wield the birch, is in many ways the best thing I’ve done. My own personal favourite is spanking Ginger in ‘Sticks and stones’. I have abit of a ‘thing’ for ginger hair and Ginger was very ginger! He was a likeable, cute lad with a lovely smackable bottom. Filming that scene was a very nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon!________________
With Rusty in The HeadmasterWard: You are known for having a very firm hand, and I am sure that any boy who has been spanked by you knows he has been spanked, is that merely part of your screen persona or do you actively seek to test a boy to his limits?
Dr Barton: I wouldn’t say I want to test boys to their limits, but I do believe that if you are going to spank someone you should do it properly and for real. I can’t see the point of silly tapping! All the boys who work for Sting and MancSpank are told exactly what is going to happen and a lot of time is spent with them before filming begins to make sure that they understand what they are letting themselves in for etc. Also, the punishment scenes are not usually filmed as ‘one offs’, there are pauses during filming to reposition cameras etc. At those moments the lad being punished gets a breather and everyone usually asks if they are OK and want to carry on etc. I’ve never known a lad not want to carry on!Barry takes a severe belting in Approved Education 2On the authenticity thing, I think it’s also worth remembering that the people who buy these DVDs and downloads are not stupid, they know when a spanking or whacking is being faked and they deserve better than that. When I do it, I do it for real.___________________
Ward: I am sure it must have been a lot of fun working with the Sting crew, do you have any stories or anecdotes you would like to share with JockSpank?
Assault on the Governor in Reformatory USADr Barton: One which springs to mind was film with Ron, Reggie and Tigger for ‘Reformatory USA’. There’s a scene during a dorm inspection where Ron and Reggie turn on me (playing the Governor) and beat me up. They were both big, strong lads, quite capable of beating me to a pulp, so I was alittle concerned! However, it was all planned and the scene was filmed, they went for me and I crashed to the floor. Rich O’Shea then said ‘Great, can we do that again…’ so I crash to the floor for a second time.By the fourth take I said ‘I think you need a stunt Governor!’ as I was rather bruised by this point! In the end we took five takes of that scene.“I get my own back on the three lads”However, if you’ve seen the DVD, I get my own back on the three lads!Perhaps people who haven’t been in on a shoot don’t realise how much fun and laughter there is in the ‘studio’ whilst it’s all going on.__________________
Ward: In a question I asked you on the StingLad’s group you listed the Sting Actors you most enjoyed working with, would you mind repeating your comments for JockSpank and telling us more about the young men who’s bottoms you have had the good luck to punish?
GingerDr Barton: The answer to that has to be Ginger in ‘Sticks and stones’. He was a nice lad with wonderful hair, a very spankable bottom and was very brave and ‘took it all like a man’ even though he was then very new to it then.I have very fond memories of Ginger and hope he is OK.
Bad lads caught up to no good in St Datchet’s AcademyThen there was Lee and Nick in ‘Tales from St. Datchet’s’. This was the first CP scene Lee had done and he was great. I felt rather sorry for him as he was thrown in at the deep end having to face a birching from me! But he took it all like a man and it was a very effective scene. Nick was his boyfriend who had just come along for the ride but was persuaded to put on a school uniform and take part in the scene. He doesn’t get whacked, but his presence adds so much to that scene and the chemistry between Nick and Lee is excellent.
There’s James and Harry, James is very professional about it all and has done some scenes where he’s dishing it out and does it very well. I will admit, I always enjoy watching James, whatever he’s in. I switched James and Harry in ‘Reformatory USA’. Harry’s a really nice lad, always a pleasure to work with and can take it really hot. I give him a good caning in one of the ‘Approved Education’ downloads. I thought he was only getting 12, so laid it on quite crisp, until I was told that actually it was 18…! I decided to ease off just a little, but Harry took it all in his stride!Brett and Dr. BartonNaturally I cannot answer this question without mentioning the ‘terrible trio’ – Brett, Matt and Tigger! What can I say! Certainly they are all larger than life characters and when you’re working with any of these lads there’s rarely a dull moment, they are always up to something! I only filmed with Matt and Tigger once, but it was quite memorable! Brett is in a class of his own, a tough, handsome lad and a real pro. I’m glad to say that after all the canings and birchings I’ve given him he is still speaking to me!With Rowan and Sebastian in “The Headmaster”Regarding the Czech lads, I must mention Rusty, Rowan and Sebastian who were in ‘The Headmaster’. Sebastian’s a real case, a cheerful, cheeky lad with a wonderful bottom for spanking. Rowan I was very impressed with as ‘The Headmaster’ was about the first CP thing he’d done and the caning he and Sebastian received was tough. Yet Rowan took it all in his stride. He and Sebastian are friends and I think that comes through in the film and makes it very effective. Rusty impressed me as he just looked so much like an older schoolboy in his uniform. I enjoyed wielding that slipper very much.The ones that got awayThe lads I’m sorry I’ve never had a chance to work with are the legendary Paul, Jamie, who took the nettle birching, and David, who is another one with a bottom especially designed for spanking.But I think it’s important to say that all the lads I’ve worked with have been great. They are all individuals and bring their own unique contributions to the films. They agree to bare their bottoms and take authentic, hard spankings and whackings for our pleasure and we should not forget this. One of the good things about both Sting and MancSpank is that there is an obvious respect for the lads and a determination to treat them fairly._________________
Ward: You have used many different “Instruments of persuasion” in the various movies you have made, the cane on Brett, Ginge and Harry in the “Approved Education” series, the birch on Brett’s upturned behind in “Borstal Correction 2”, The strap on young Barry in Approved education 2, the paddle on Matt Mills in “Reformatory USA”, the hickory switch on James in the same movie and of course the slipper on Rusty in “The HeadMaster”. Do you have a favourite instrument with which you prefer to leave your mark on the young male behind and can you explain why?
Caning Rowan in the HeadmasterDr Barton: The think the traditional crook-handled cane must come first. It is so redolent of traditional, English school. Although I was never caned at school I am old enough to remember classmates who were and sometimes the Headmaster at senior school would appear at assembly with his cane when he wanted to make a particular point. I can always remember getting excited when he did that!Spanking Matt Mills in Reformatory USANext is a good old-fashioned spanking. It’s so simple, all you need is a chair to sit on, a boy over your lap and a bare bottom to spank! I have recently grown to enjoy the slipper and hairbrush for spanking, they make boys squirm and yelp and give my hand a break when it starts to hurt during a prolonged spanking.____________________
Ward: Do you have a particular fantasy scenario which you would like to see filmed and perhaps appear in yourself?A seventeenth century schoolroom with lots of dark wooden desks and panelling. At the front is a large desk for me, the schoolmaster. I am dressed in black cap and gown and next to the desk is the birching horse, with a birch rod lying across it. In a basket in the corner of the classroom is a collection of freshly made birches.The boys are seated at their desks, sweating over their Latin primers. A few of them are already sitting rather gingerly as they have made silly mistakes in their compositions and taken a trip across the horse to have their bare bottoms crispy swished with the stinging twigs – what bliss!______________________
Ward: How important do you think humiliation is in a fantasy spanking scenario? (eg: a bully being spanked in front of his victim, an arrogant youth punished in an embarrassing situation etc.)
With Brett in Borstal Correction 2I think it definitely has a place, and any spanking or caning is inherently humiliating for the recipient, that’s part of the punishment. But I don’t think it should be taken too far and become humiliation for humiliations sake because that’s not what this scene is about. If in doubt I would ask myself if such an action is authentic in, say, a school/borstal/cadet school environment of the 1940s or 1950s?What is very arousing is the idea of ‘comeuppance’, as you say, a bully being spanked in front of his victims or an arrogant youth bare bottomed and spanked until he cries in front of his mates, or the lad who thinks he’s too old to be spanked finding out it’s not so… the whole idea of cocky lads being taken down a peg or two, that sort of thing is very satisfying and very arousing________________
Ward: Do you think humour can be appropriate in a spanking scenario, or do you prefer the scenes to be played seriously?Feeling the heat in “Thou shalt not Steal” by MancSpankDr Barton: I think some humour sometimes can make a welcome change. In the download I did with MancSpank (Thou shalt not steal) we played it abit camp when I was watching Gavin being spanked by his step-father – moving my chair for a better view, mopping my brow as I get overheated etc.I would like to do a download in the style of a 1940s newsreel called ‘How to cane schoolboys : a Ministry of Education training film’. It would be in grainy black and white, with jolly music in the background and a very well spoken narrator etc, all done as a bit of fun. I think sometimes we can all be so grim and serious in these films, it’s the nature of the genre, I know, but it should be possible to ‘subvert the genre’ gently and affectionately from time to time.___________________
Thou Shalt Not StealWard: As you just indicated, you have recently appeared in a movie made by MancSpank and I believe you plan to do some more work with them, would you like to give us your views on their work and tell us why you agreed to work with them?
Dr Barton: I saw some of their stuff and whilst it’s not as ambitious as the Sting material I got the impression that they were making an effort. They seem to understand what their strengths are and are playing to them. Also, they seemed to like the whole school/domestic thing, which is very much my scene.MancSpank’s Stuart in actionDr Barton: I was also very impressed with Stuart’s spankings! He really tans the boys’ hides!!! He’s one of the most accomplished spankers I’ve ever seen.So I approached them to see if they would be interested and I am very glad to say that they were and we filmed ‘Thou shalt not steal’ back in September.________________
Ward: Can you give us any hints as to what future projects you have planned with MancSpank
Dr Barton: I’m just a humble actor so am not privy to the high level discussions as to future plans! Seriously, we have kicked around some ideas and I expect you might be seeing the return of Dr B as Headmaster, Principal, Governor or even naughty vicar in the not too distant future.This might be a good moment to make a plea to your readers: MancSpank are seeking venues for filming in the Manchester/Welsh Border/North West area. If anyone has such a place which has a suitable space for a Headmaster’s study, classroom etc and would like to offer it please get in-touch with Stuart at MancSpank, thank you._________________
Ward: Are there any other Spanking studios who’s work you particularly enjoy?
Dr Barton: Apart from Sting and MancSpank, I like the work of the American producers ‘Spanking Central’ and ‘Spank This’. Spanking Central, in particular, is good in that he produces short films to suit different tastes, some of them are quite ‘heavy’ with restraint and quite severe thrashings, but the ones which deal with school discipline in particular are very good and, I suspect, reflect what still happens in some US schools where the paddle is still used. They also have some very nice lads! There was also a French outfit called TPFL, sadly no more, who produced quite ambitious films with some very nice boys in them._____________
Ward: Finally, if you were given a choice of all the Sting Lads, including those you have not yet worked with, which one would you most like to have across your knee this afternoon?
All the boys I’ve worked with are unique individuals and all have their particular charms, but if I have to make a list, here goes:
5.Zack(Perhaps, whilst I’m dealing with young Ginger, the others could form an orderly – and nervous – queue in the hall outside my study? I think this is what could be called ‘Spanker’s Heaven’!)
Ward: Yes that certainly sounds a heavenly scenario to me as well!! Thanks to Dr. Barton for that insight into a career many of us have enjoyed, admired and envied! We look forward to seeing you in many similar roles in the future.The EndFrom Instruments of Persuasion Part 2With Tigger in Reformatory USACaning Brett in Approved Education 2
Hickory switching James and Harry in Reformatory USA
Sebastian OTK in the Headmaster
Giving Harry 18 strokes in Approved Education 1
Tanning Matt Mills in Reformatory USALinks:Links to both the Sting and MancSpank 18.USC.2257 proof of age declarations can be found in the right hand column at this blog