Links should now be working
I am sorry that some links were not working properly yesterday, these have now been fixed and should function correctly. Please let us know if anyone is still having problems.
Links should now be working
I am sorry that some links were not working properly yesterday, these have now been fixed and should function correctly. Please let us know if anyone is still having problems.
Se promener, rencontrer quelqu’un, s’amuser dans les rochers, c’est tentant même si on est puni et interdit de sortie. Kyle va donc désobéir en se doutant des conséquences. Et si celui qu’il a rencontré venait avec lui, il éviterait la punition…
Walking, meeting someone, having fun in the rocks is quite tempting, even though you will get punished and grounded. Kyle disobeyed although he knew the consequences. And if the person he met would come with him, he might avoid punishment…
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Spanking Straight Boys: Vince in The Stockade
As Vince walks in the room for a spanking, he says a covered device. He doesn’t know what it is, but he suspects it can’t be good. His wariness grows when he removes the blanket covering it and sees it for the first time. When Tom locks him in it, Vince’s suspicions are confirmed when Tom locks him in it. It’s a damned uncomfortable and humiliating position, and he knows what’s coming.
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Unless you are doing Corner Time, come over and enjoy the SATURDAY SPANKABLES
This week we kick off with a selection of suitably spankable subjects from Bruce
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Tom, a 24-year-old from the Netherlands, is traveling through the Czech Republic and comes across Master’s home, where he is offered accommodation in exchange for fulfilling Master’s spanking needs. Although initially hesitant, Tom agrees to the arrangement.
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Lt. Diego has already had to deal with the nonsense of his flat mates Antonio and Martin individually; now he has the misfortune (or pleasure, depending on one’s point of view) of having to discipline the wanker duo together.
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Or scroll down for a selection of images from the video
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Discipline Master Back to School Sale
You’ll want to go back to school when you’re the DISCIPLINE MASTER! Save 33% to 50% on all Discipline Master games from now until October 1st. Inspired by old school adventure games and old school discipline. The D.M. games are available for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Introduction Video to the DM Series:
(Note: All D.M. games are not part of the BLS membership and are entirely separate, stand-alone products. Each game is a one time purchase, with no subscriptions, additional fees, etc.)