The second bully!
In Bullies II, we meet Turner. He’s been fighting with Jackson and is sent to the headmaster’s office to explain himself. The cocky youth doesn’t even seem ashamed of what he’s done so the headmaster bend him over his knee for a good old fashioned spanking! The message doesn’t seem to come across properly so Stuart decides the pants have to come down and proceeds to spank the cocky boy bare bottomed until it’s bright and red! After some lecturing and corner time, he is allowed to leave. Shortly after, he goes back to his dorm and lights up a sly cigarette. Who just happened to walk through the corridor but the headmaster! He catches him and drags the poor boy to his office by his ear! This is a mayor offence and Turner will receive the cane for this! After a good caning over the gym horse, he’s sent back to his quarters. We hope Turner get’s into a lot of trouble!

Part 2 to follow
Tanner needs to be
taken down!
Hand spanking is fine to warm up the bad boy’s bottom with a pause or two for the lecture.
Then give a serious use of the spanking stick
with a multitude of many
slow strong strokes
all over his ass.