Over an hour long and staring nine different different Sting lads, all upended and red bottomed, Sting’s latest download “Discipline DownUnder Part 3” is another Sting masterpiece and a really enjoyable romp, as well as being really sexy!!
Set in an Australian school, where cigarette trading, illicit drinking and general misbehaviour by the handsome young lads are rewarded with nine well, spanked, strapped, caned, slippered and belted bare behinds presented in the unique and excellent Sting style.
The cast includes popular Czech and Estonian lads, such as Darren, Robbie, Sebastian, Stephenal, James B, and Rowan Hunter, together with newcomers such as Joshua Black , Sean Ronson and Alex Granger playing playing strict disciplinarian Mr Williams the Hunky PE teacher. (Links are at the bottom of this post)

Discipline Down Under Part 3 – Download
A link to the Sting USC 18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column of this blog
who is pic #3? hotttttt.
The boy in pic#3 is Robbie, he is the one getting spanked in picture #4 and getting the injection in his butt further down in Pic #7
He is very cute and can take a lot of punishment