New From Sting: Approved Education – Part 3

Approved Education Part 3 is just over an hour long and features seven sting lads including some new faces. 
Government approved educational establishments for young offenders were first opened in 1933. Bishopsfield, designed to cater for seniors, is one of these and now in the late 1960’s has a new Headmaster.

 Young tearaway Johnny Wilson (Damien Drake) arrives fresh from court having been sentenced to time in Bishopsfield in order to instil some discipline and give him a chance to get properly educated. Although an open intuition the rules are strict and breaking them has consequences, something Johnny is quick to find out when defacing and exercise book. His trousers are ordered down and he feels for the first time the flat of his Housemaster’s hand coming down hard on his bare bottom. After this he finds himself choosing a swishy cane to receive a stinging whacking from the biting rattan. 

He’s not alone of course; he’s with other lads also sent but the courts to a more controlled environment, all to get a taste of much needed discipline. Three such lads are Shaw (Jason Shaw) Wilkinson (Kyle Wilkinson) and Evans (Jimmy Evans) These guys in a nearby dorm get far too carried away with each other and find themselves on the wrong end of a heavy leather strap but only after each one has received a hard spanking on their bare backsides.

Evans, the ringleader, is singled out for special punishment! His very pert well raised bottom is seared red by the relentless crack of the institutions old brown leather belt!

 One of the eldest boys Steven Brett (Dale Brady) decides to make a break for it, not hard considering the establishments ‘open’ category. However, absconding is very much frowned upon and he now faces a severe mandatory caning. Prior to this he is sent to change in to PE kit and tight thin white cotton punishment shorts. On arriving back at the Heads study he knows that the burning cuts of a well laid on senior cane will be hard to take especially when he has to lower the shorts!…

 And so along with the daily routine the incidents unfold. Johnny Wilson and Jason Shaw get caught with catapults while Stephens (Darren) and Dalgieish (Pete Douglas) are punished for causing a disruption after lights out. Finally it’s back to look at the fortunes of young Johnny Wilson.  His Housemaster catches up with him yet again and in his pyjamas over the knee he goes. 

This hard hitting full length feature has seven Sting lads all wishing perhaps that they weren’t getting an Approved Education…3

Video Trailer

A full sized WMP version of the trailer can be downloaded from here or here

Note when downloading from SendSpace click on the blue bar towards the bottom


 There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog

5 Responses to New From Sting: Approved Education – Part 3

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    my god…jimmy evans…mmm

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Damien Drake is so hot what I wouldnt do with him

  3. Great preview shots! May I respectfully raise a minor point regarding something that could be looked at for improvement — the spelling and grammar in some of the descriptive phrases pertaining to the pics. Yes, that is my anal retentive English major showing itself, but I thought to mention it as a means of adding to the perfection and appeal of the site.

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    This is a classic Sting production, really high quality, very erotic and with a cast of really cute and hot boys

    My favorite is Damien Drake

  5. how many of the cane do i get for stealing and lying sir