Matt Mills is certainly one of Sting’s most popular and spankable young actors. Who among us doesn’t want to throw that bad boy over your lap, pull down his designer pants and spank his cute bare bottom until he begs for mercy ……… and then smack him harder?
In Reformatory USA by Sting Pictures young Matt Mills gets his little butt seriously tanned by the head Warden (played by Dr Barton) in two hot scenes. In the first scene he goes over the Warden’s knee for a long hard hand spanking first on the seat his pants, then on his underpants, and then ………..

Reformatory US DVD
Reformatory USA Download
Sting at Mans Hand Films– For US users
Click here to view the official Reformatory USA video trailer
A link to the Sting Pictures USC 18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column at this blog
Blushed buttocks