Magic Spanking Factory: Keiko’s Bruised Buttocks

Keiko’s Bruised Buttocks

I was very much looking forward to spending a few relaxing days at a wellness hotel and enjoying some quality food. When I told Keiko of my intention, he begged to come with me. Being a terribly kind person, I agreed and off we went.

A few hours after arriving and enjoying a dring at the well stocked bar Keiko decided h wanted to go for a swim. You can imagine my anger when the hotel manager called me to his office and told me that Keiko had been very inconsiderate towards the other, mostly older guests. Playing loud TikTok videos on his phone and jumping wildly into the pool.


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Look at free the preview (below) to see how I dealt with miscreant and how bruised and sore his naked buttocks were when I had finished him.

Keiko’s Bruised Buttocks is available from

The Magic Spanking Factory at Clips4sale

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