Life Imitates Art! – Mark brings to life the the Work of Celebrated Spanking Artists

Life Imitates Art! – Mark brings to life the the Work of Celebrated Spanking Artists

WOW, OH WOW! These are incredible. As a tribute to the work of celebrated M/M spanking artists such as Copper, Franco, Jonathan, C of Sweden, Spryte, Turquine, and Ken Beverley, the brilliant fantasy artist Mark has brought some of their most iconic artwork to life in his own inimitable style.

This is outstanding work, and I am in awe of Mark’s talent. With characteristic modesty, Mark says that he hopes JockSpank visitors will enjoy the pictures as much as he enjoyed recreating them.

click on the images to see the full sized pictures








You can see more of Mark’s fantasy art Here


14 Responses to Life Imitates Art! – Mark brings to life the the Work of Celebrated Spanking Artists

  1. This is probably one of the best things I’ve seen in my 10 years of being a Fan of Jockspank


  2. Ps thank you for doing Spryte

    One of the most unrated spanking artists imo

  3. My favourite artists from here has the be Turquine I especially like that picture.

  4. Avatar hisroyalheinie
    hisroyalheinie says:

    A triumph! Truly incredible.

  5. Thank you all for your accolades. Juudging by the enthusiatic response so far it looks like I should go ahead with creating part II. Look for it sometime next month.

    • Hi Mark can’t wait!

      There’s an artist called mitchmen who sometimes draws burly rugby players in short shorts getting spanked. Also there’s Matt who has little old men spanking tall hunks.

      I think you have got all the main legends of spanking art tho!

      You are very talented 😉

      • Thank you for the compliment and your input. Both Mitchell (of Mitchmen) and Matt are in the line-up for the next batch.

  6. Avatar Jonathan
    Jonathan says:

    Extraordinary work with an astounding eye for detail. Well done!

  7. This is AMAZING!!!

  8. Mark – I can’t wait for part 2!

    Like the other guys are saying, these are amazing 🙂

    Thank you for sharing them!

  9. Avatar Feinstein
    Feinstein says:

    Wow, incredible how well you managed to recreate these works Mark. Glad to hear you’ve already decided on a part II. Very impressive, my hat is off.

  10. These are great, Mark. It’s really gratifying that my work inspired someone to do such a meticulous recreation/interpretation.

    • Thanks so much. I’m a fan of your work and it was a challenge to recreate and try and match the level of your artistry. I’m following your new series with the two voyuer students with much anticipation.

  11. Avatar spankedson
    spankedson says:

    Just to add my sense of awe at Mark’s latest work, there is so much imagination and creativity here beyond the technical skills needed to produce these images. That they are shared with us for free is a real treat, so many thanks.