Graffiti Artist Spanked

20 year old Billy has been caught spraying graffiti all over the estate where he lives.

His mother has been threatened with eviction because of her delinquent sons behaviour. She feels that she has no option but to send Billy to visit Mr X the local spanker!

 Billy turns up in his tracksuit acting all cocky. He has no idea what is going to happen to him!
After a rather arduous telling off, young Billy finds himself getting dragged over Mr X’s knee. Billy gets spanked long and hard on his jogging pants ……..

then his boxers…..

and finally his bare bottom! 

video trailer

More from Mr. X:

Hey! This was my first ever scene with Billy and it was his first time being spanked by anyone ever! A young straight lad, getting his first ever spanking!

9 Responses to Graffiti Artist Spanked

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Billy’s a beauty!!!!!!!
    his blushing buttocks beautiful

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Billy was lucky to get his first spanking ever from a real pro.

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Real pros show there face mate!

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    mr x
    u look very stupid with that mask on ,

  5. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    i bought this, its undoubtedly a first spanking and the lad appears genuinely nervous… quite a thorough spanking, but not much reaction from him. i agree that mr x ought to get rid of that mask, it s stupid and detracts from the action. 610.

  6. Hey! Mr X here!

    Well the truth is I agree with all the comments. Most importantly the first one, in that Billy really is a Beauty!

    As for me (Mr X) wearing the mask, well I also agree that it is not ideal but it serves a purpose! I’m now just into my third week of producing this entertainment on my own and am taking all comments on board. Already I have introduced other guys dishing out the punishment who are happy to show their face including both Andy and Bailey…

    Saying that. Mr X also has a lot of fans and he is certainly not going to retire any time soon. All videos featuring Mr X will be clearly labeled as such so I guess, as always, it’s down to the audience to choose what they want to view…

  7. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Okay but when you where a masked it just detachable from it being real if say loose the mask or send the lads to mans hands films thelly show ya real spanking pros

  8. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Not being rude but this guy isn’t that cute either err! Spank me!

  9. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I Agree x