David the Christmas Burglar

***David The Christmas Burglar ***
a new video by CP4Men.net: David see his chance to break in to an apartment knowing there will be lots of Christmas presents there. Little does he realise that the owner of the apartment is there as well. He decides to take the law into is own hands and delivers a well deserved over the knee spanking on the lads trainers then bare bottom-he then reinforces his displeasure by giving him some extra punishment with the paddle!
From CP4Men:
May I take this opportunity to wish you all a great christmas and a great new year! I Shall see you all again in the new year with some more excellent bottoms!

2 Responses to David the Christmas Burglar

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    That’s what all burglars deserve !

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Interesting to see that David is branching out into other makers than Sting. He’s just as delightful as he always was, too!
