Directed by Doctor Skelpz: David and Tigger have been moonlighting with the company’s van, Unbeknownst to them, the company fitted the van with a tracking device and the lads have been caught. They beg to save their jobs – lucky for them their boss has firm views on how to deal with smart arses
Links provided to protect Dr Skelpz’s intellectual property rights
It’s so great to see Tigger back. He’s always been one of my favorite m/m spanking models. I’d love to see him in some new OTK scenes. Thanks for posting.
It would be nice to see the trailer without the music in it for a change. The music puts me off of purchasing the clips.
Would be great to see Tigger and the super hot David in some Sting videos they looked so much better in those ones. I feel its a come down for them really.. no offense intended I am still happy to see them
Great to see this pair again — and together!
They still look great, after ? how many years?
Is anything known of Vex or Jay these days: two more of my favourites?