CP4Men: Spanked Burglar!
Its that time of year when burglars make they presents know but for this victim its time to take matters into his own hands and deal with this culprit himself!
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now– he is fit fit fit.
Love to see more of him in his socks ….

Does this site have a rule about lads wearing white underpants? If so, please consider dropping it!!! There are some superb spankings on this site, but at the same time, the mileage you can get out of a fairly standard over-the-knee spanking is fairly limited. One way you can introduce some interesting and attractive variations is by having the boys wear different coloured underpants. I would love to join this site – what puts me off is the consistent apparent insistence on white underpants! I don’t want to sound negative, but it is the reason I have never become a member of SpankingStraightBoys. The occasional appearance of white underpants is OK and, properly managed, can even be a big turn on! When lads who do appear in coloured underpants on this site always are wearing white ones the second time round they appear on SSB, it starts to suggest there is a rule about it. Please consider changing this – it is losing you at least one customer and probably more!
I suspect that just as some people have a thing for coloured underpants, some have a thing for just white ones.
Love to see a muscular guy getting spanked in tighty-whities!