CP4Men: Home Late Again Featuring Joshua Clarke

CP4Men: Home Late Again Featuring Joshua Clarke

Time and time again Joshua has been warned about getting home late but seems to take no notice. He’s been told that next time he will get a spanking and that promise is about to come true! Sir wastes no time in pulling him in to the room by the ear and straight over to the sofa. There he proceeds to give a good old fashion over the knee spanking. He Begins on jeans then underwear then eventually bare. Sir ends the punishment by giving him 20 with the ping pong paddle-that’ll teach him!




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One Response to CP4Men: Home Late Again Featuring Joshua Clarke

  1. Avatar harry_dogbreath
    harry_dogbreath says:

    Brothers and I thrashed a lot by the old man for coming home late – part of us enjoyed it (strangely) and naother part of us feared it,