In their next release Discipline Diary1900 Sting will be paying another visit to the 1900 House of Correction for wayward young men, where the strict disciplinarian Colonel Templeton Lee is experimenting with various inspired means of inflicting heightened degrees of discomfort to the young male behind. This involves various potions and ointments designed to intensify the “Sting” of any bottom related punishment, and in case you are interested those birches are soaking in in sea salt, as would have been the case on the original naval training ships.
Sting will certainly be adding an extra STING to the tail in their forthcoming presentation! I doubt young James and Sebastian will be sitting comfortably any time soon!

A link to the sting 18.USC.2257 proof of age / record keeping declaration can be found in the right hand column at this blog
Ever get the birtch growin up? Man, my Dad gave it to me 3 times, the last I had to get the twigs, make the handle with black tape, put the birtch in warm water over night, and got the beatin the next am! Was tied by my wrists and ankles to my bed posts, and the old man laid on 25 strokes! Couldn’t walk for an hour, took a cool baht and had wiels and welts across my ass for 3 weeks!
Angel-adorable adolescents absolutely abjectly, abundantly and ardently arse-agonised, abysmally alwaited already all-attire abundant: an AA!
This kind of post’s only major flaw is there’s never nearly enough of it, se please post lots more of/like this!